Chapter 2
Diana’s POV
‘Look at her comes the voice of my wolf Winter as she watches through my eyes as I continue to hold Athena against her door.
‘I know’ I reply back as we watch her, her eyes holding onto that vacant expression as if she was reliving past events inside her mind as she normally did.
Athena was just 18 when she just so happened to run into her mate Jacob, Jacob Blackwood, the Future Alpha and my current boyfriend. Needless to say that once I found out I became p***ed and wanted nothing more than the***h to pay, so when I got home I did exactly that, I went crying to Mommy and Daddy all the while telling them how Athena tried to steal Jacob from me which in turn only brought out their fury.
Grinning, I harshly shove her back against the door once more which finally snaps her back to the present, a growl rising.
“Don’t try it” I warned her, making sure she knew what would happen if she did.
“F*****k off” growls Athena again as she tries to free herself from my hold.
“Listen here b***, who do you think you are? Encase you forgot your nothing but an O**a, a Sla***e, You have no rank here” I say with hatred.
“Only because of YOU’ hisses Athena as she glares at me, causing me to reach out and slap her knowing Mom had already hit her twice as her face was still red from where the hand had hit as I approached her room afterwards.
“Watch your mouth, you filthy wh***e” I growl as I move to yank her hair. “Disrespect me again and I’ll bring Brian here.”
Pailing, I can’t help but smirk at Athena’s expression, fear as it slowly made its way across her features, for after all it’s only been a year since her rejection but I on the other hand took it upon. myself to remind her as did my Brother and our Parents. O
“P-Please don’t” begs Athena suddenly.
“And why shouldn’t I? After all Brian is Future Beta and you did hurt his Future Alpha” I reply, knowing that Brian truly hadn’t forgiven her about Jacob.
I’ll he and inst please don’t call Brian” nleads Athena with fear lurking iust behind her
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Chapter 21
eyes as I watch in total amusement. After all I knew she disliked Brian but I never understood why but her showing me her absolute fear was proof that she really would listen if it meant not having to see my Brother.
“Okay fine, But…” I draw seeing her eyes turn hopeful. “But?” she asks as I slowly let her go. “You do exactly as I tell you or I call my Brother do you understand?” I ask her as she nods her head in
“Good” and just like that I slowly let her go before turning and walking away knowing I’ve made her even more late to do house chores and now she would receive her punishment because after all she wasn’t family, at least not technically because we never accepted her into the pack so that
made her an outsider and the pack slave to those who wanted her.
*You know if you really wanted to scare her you could have just used a knife or something’ replies.
Winter as we walk down the stairs and to the main floor of the house.
‘I know but it’s much more fun when I use my Brother against her’ I tell her. ‘Plus, Brian is much
more sinister than me but not as ruthless as our Parents.”
Once at the bottom of the stairs I quickly begin searching for my Parents knowing exactly what to do. “Mommy, Daddy! Athena tried to attack me” I cry as I rush towards them, my Parents who were currently in the kitchen when I found them.
“WHAT?!” roars my Father as he moves to hold me gently, causing me to smirk. “Yes daddy, it’s true. I only wanted to check up on her only to have her try and hurt me” I whine as I cling to him knowing this was the push needed because to them I was their Princess and no one not even my
cousin was safe from harm.
“ATHENA” yells Father as he moves to stand up from the table before marching towards the stairs. and to where Athena now stood frozen in fear all the while wondering what it was that she had
“Y-Yes Uncle?” replies Athena, all the while as I watched from the safety of my Mother’s side. “What’s this I hear that you almost attacked your cousin?” asks Dad as he slowly moves to stand
in front of her.
“I-I didn’t Uncle” answers Athena softly.
“Don’t lie to me child. We brought you into our home, our family only for you to steal my Daughter’s boyfriend and now attempt to attack her” with that Father quickly grabs her by the forearm before yanking her harshly towards the basement door.
“N-No… No please…. Please Uncle I’ll be good. I nomise” cries Athena who knew what was about
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Chapter 2
to happen as Father continued onward for the basement, a second home that Athena became quite accustomed to.
“Oh you’ll be good alright” and just like that Father marched her right into the basement, the door slamming shut behind them as they did..
Once gone from sight, I can’t help but smirk knowing Father would give her a good beating and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it as the current Alpha and Luna were completely oblivious to everything around them and their Beta, my Father, would always punish his Niece as he saw fit.
Lost in thought I apparently didn’t hear another set of footsteps approach me from behind nor that of the voice it belonged to until the person had joined us. “A little harsh don’t you think Sis?” smirks the figure as I turn, my emerald eyes meeting those of my Brother, Brian.
“No.. besides she deserved it, for after all she is nothing more than the pack slave, she’ll never be accepted by anyone and all because she doesn’t have a pack to call home” I all but laugh as I turn to look at my brother who had sandy blonde hair, emerald color eyes and a 6’0 frame to that of my 5’8 frame as it wasn’t common knowledge, but Brian was only 2 years older than me, so that meant he would take over as Beta once Father retired and he and Jacob would ascend into power as the new Alpha and Beta of the pack since both were now approaching 21.
As for me, I didn’t care about being a Beta, no I wanted to be Luna and I knew the only way to get that was to get with an Alpha and I knew exactly how to do it too. All I had to do was stay with Jacob and if it meant hurting Athena in the process then so be it after all Jacob already rejected her at the age of 18 and now that she’s 19 and no second chance mate in site she was mine to torture.
“True” laughs Brian. “But still harsh, you would make a wonderful Luna” and with that Brian went towards the basement and to where Athena and Father were, eager to join in on the fun as he always did.
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Posted by ? Views, Released on October 30, 2024
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Status: Ongoing Type: Billionaire
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