Chapter 81
Athena’s POV
If my mates thought they were being sneaky then they had another thing coming for I might be a Lunar Princess but I wasn’t stupid, for if there was one thing I was ever taught while growing up it was to always be aware of what was going on around me.
So when I noticed both my Uncles come for one of their weekly visits I knew it was because we were slowly merging the packs into one, for there had been lots of new faces slowly making their way into the pack and while I haven’t been formally introduced them, I still made it a habit to go and introduce myself to them and to make sure they had what they needed to begin their journey of living with us and the Mystic Shadow Pack.
‘They all seem like nice people though‘ murmurs Artemis who was always present when greeting the new guests.
‘Indeed‘ I say to her with a smile, having just finished talking to a few who had been dragons, who like Brayden and Addison were among the few who either didn’t have a mate or was all but extinct for Hunters were also hunting down there kind as well which made a lot of us a hot commodity for many of them had gone into hiding just so hunters would no longer find them.
‘But it’s sad to think that Hunters are willing to hunt and kill just about any species just so the humans can dominate the world while we, the scary looking creatures that everyone claims us to be become hunted and or extinct because of it‘ I say eventually, a pain filling my
chest as I think about all the pain the hunters had been doing to our kind.
‘But not all humans are evil though sweetheart‘ purrs Artemis who was trying to calm me down as we made our way around the pack grounds or more like waddled as my belly was getting pretty big which meant it wouldn’t be long until I finally gave birth to them.
‘I know not all humans are evil, as Brycen’s mate is a testament that not all humans are mean, just those who decide to become a hunter
and hunt us down for their own enjoyment‘ I murmur having to remind myself that not all humans were truly evil because when Cara
comes to visit she always talks about Mia and her everyday struggles to live within a pack of wolves for she is the only human they have, yet she doesn’t fear it and neither do they.
‘Exactly my sweet child so before we can start saying that all humans are terrible, remember that we wolves are also half human which would mean that we too are evil for it only takes a second for us to shift and murder the one standing in front of us‘ adds Artemis, just as we waddle into someone, the force of the collide all but sending me towards the ground, yet before I could land on my butt a pair of strong yet familiar arms wrap themselves gently around my middle as they move to nuzzle me.
“Easy there love, if your not careful you could seriously hurt yourself” purrs Ares, my body relaxing against his well toned chest, a sensation I would never get over as I allow myself to enjoy the simple pleasures that my mates had to offer for Ares and Eros might be twins but there were things I had started to notice that were completely different from one another the longer I lived and stayed with
them and that alone made me cherish them that much more.
“Finished with my Uncles already are we?” I ask as I snuggle up close to him, always enjoying the warmth his body provides as we stand
there for a bit.
Chuckling, does he move to speak, “So you’ve noticed?” whispers Ares as he purrs gently all while holding me gently.
“It’s my job to notice, just as it’s your job as Alpha to know when their Luna is being sneaky” Lsay with a giggle, causing him to arch an
“Sneaky?” asks Ares a hint of amusement in his voice as he moves to look at his mate.
“Oh yes very sneaky, for I was going around the pack grounds today and introducing myself to those who were moving into the pack today” I answer truthfully not wanting to lie for lies didn’t help build good foundations and a good foundation was what I wanted our life to be based on when ruling over the packs.
“Hmm, sneaky indeed but I’m not surprised in the least as I knew you would eventually see the new faces as they all slowly moved into the pack and the way you’re so observant I wasn’t worried at being caught” replies Ares, amused by my revelation.
Chapter 81
“Mean” I say with a giggle pretending to be hurt by the fact that my mates didn’t take me serious at times which earns me another chuckle before Ares moves to capture my lips within a kiss, his kiss firm yet gentle as his tongue swipes along my bottom lip which sends a shiver down my spine as I open allowing him entry, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth as he could before we eventually parted leaving me breathless as he did.
“Mmmm, sexy” purrs Ares, who loved the way my body reacted to his touch, to his scent in which always knew how to trigger my body’s wants and needs, causing me to whimper playfully.
“Easy their love, I promise once everything with the Rogue King is handled me and Eros will give you all of our undying attention especially during the honeymoon when we whisk you away for a little alone time” admits Ares causing my body to tingle in excitement.
“Mmm you better” I say to him before falling silent, wanting to just enjoy the moment before it became a distant memory for soon the Full Moon would be upon us and when it did who knew the outcome for anything could go wrong in that instant and hopefully it was one that my mates would handle with ease as they had been training constantly.
“Where’s Eros?” I ask, the need to know where he was growing.
“He’s finishing up some last minute stuff with Rick and Alex and then once he does, he’ll come join us” answers Ares as I nod, knowing Eros would always honor his words and if he said he’d be here then he would which calms my nerves if only slightly.
“Love?” whispers Ares, his voice soft so as not to disturb the moment between us as we continue to stay where we were.
“Hmmm” I hum, not trusting my voice for what was about to be said.
“When the Full Moon comes, please promise me that you along with all the children and women along with my mother will head for the bunkers and stay there until either I or Eros comes for you, please… I don’t want to have to worry, I want to be able to focus on Ezra and his wolves and do what I need to do in order to keep you safe” answers Ares truthfully knowing that if his mate was safe then he could properly do his job.
Biting my lip, I hesitate on replying only to sigh knowing I would only be a hindrance to them so reluctantly I nod. “I promise, I promise to stay within the bunker along with the others until the fight is over with” I say knowing that if I didn’t Ares and Eros would not stop
until I did.
“Good” was all I heard from him until finally Eros approached, his scent of Ocean Breeze and Coffee a scent I had come to love and adore just like Ares and his scent of Chocolate and Caramel.
Slowly approaching, does Eros move to embrace me from behind until I was finally sandwiched between the two as Eros moves to kiss me on the cheek. “Please don’t be annoyed with him love, we only want what’s best for you” whispers Eros as if sensing my annoyance.
“I’m not.. I just don’t want either of you to get hurt” I admit softly.
“We won’t just trust in us” was all I heard as I nod, a part of me wanting to believe them and yet another part of me was anxious, counting down the days until the Full Moon came.
“Come let us enjoy this moment, as we have a surprise for you” whispers Eros as he and Ares move to lead me to some place more private for after today, things were about to get a whole lot hectic.