Our Lana Our Mate
Chapter 90
I can’t believe it. i faly happened. I muse my eyes still taking in the beautiful site that is our Lama. After everything that we’ve entures, we now got to have a moment just for us, come my final thoughts, my mind now thinking of all the new things that Eros and 1 could do now fat our mate was officially ours.
Smling, I knew exactly what it was that we would do first and that was to take a nice relaxing honeymoon at our privately owned beach house. Yes you’ve heard right, a patay awed beach house, something that my family has owned since we were very little and spent mast of our summers at
Don’t get to relaxed, we still have a whore to find grumbles Zeus, still unnerved by the fact that Lily had not been present during the fight with the Rogue King and while I wished she had this little set back hadn’t gone unnoticed, every chance I or Eros got we each continued our search, Bise and the other packs all promising to keep a look out for her as well.
Did you have to in the moment I growl, knowing he was worried but this was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives, one that I would always fight for until my last dying breath, for now, it wasn’t just me or Eros I had to worry about, it was now Athena along with our four children, Adrian, Ryder, Nathan and Samata.
Pausing in thought I move to remember our wedding present to our Luna, one that would surely bring her joy for after the fight with the Rogue King, Ens and I had secretly begin planing out our new future home, one that didn’t revolve around the pack house and gave us the privacy that we needed to raise our children
Mates going to love it puts Zeus, having been excited to tell her the good news since the thought became reality.
I hope so, afterwise building that big house will have been for nothing 1 admit for Eros and I had found the perfect spot, a spot that wasn’t directly near the pack house but far enough away to give us the privacy that we needed along with space to raise our pups in the
Parring in happiness, Zess all but moves to retreat knowing just how important it was to both me as well as my brother to have this moment with our mate, having promised that both he and Deimos could come out to play during the honeymoon.
Lost is thoughts I all but miss it when Athena finally rudges me, causing me to turn my focus over to her instead. “Mmm, yes my Luna?” Jack, carious as to what she wanted
“Can we go eat now? The babies are getting hungry and so am I?” asks Athena, a blush making its way along her cheeks making her cute.
“But of course love, after all the reception is ours as well, come let us go meet up with everyone and relax” chuckles Eros, amused that she even had to ask, for while Father may have told everyone to head over to where the food and music was set up we all knew that Father wouldn’t allow anyone to start until we eventually arrived.
“Come let us go before Father rallies the troops and sends a search party after us laughs Eros, moving to carefully escort Athena towards the reception, my legs moving to follow them as he did, knowing fully well just how much effort was put into planning this.
-Reception Hall-
When finally arriving, I can’t help but see the big huge area, pack members as well as other packs all moving to find their seats among the tables as Mother had again decided to invite all the packs including our own in which was fine but sometimes I wondered if mother knew the concept of keeping it small and intimate with only close friends and family.
ping, i sove my gaze over towards my mate only to see her eyes light up at all the beautiful decorations and of course the fairy lights that we had hung up prior to the ceremony starting, having known how much she truly loved those lights.
It’s–ft’s beautiful” whispers Athena in awe, her eyes still taking in everything.
Chapter 90
“Not as beautiful as you are love I murmer siek to her g
her cheeks as she did.
“You’re such a flatterer” replies Athena, canting me to chrbte the front of the room, all those in attendance or moving th
Once standing near our seats do I move the seminoledge our guests. Think you all for chaine with those who have always stayed the thus as a whole and wire
are today, standing here, in front of all of your with our benifie
as help raise one special little boy I begin, mowing I was probably at was deeply in love with my Luna.
Taking pause, I move to watch as many of those either chackle at my dement to silent of the other 10 packs or those within our very dem pack, this pack along with many ot
Smiling, I move to grab my glass as does both Athena and Ernie as well these fanting present as well as to a bright and happy future. “Now then, with speeches finally same thinksy please enjoy the food as well as the music for tonight we chester
Cheering, everyone finally begins to sit down just as servants begin to go around and the nut one b we had opted for a sit down dinner opposed to a buffer style becase data
disagreed with us about being able to still walk and would have aut from the fr
Mates stubbom‘ muses Zeus with a chuckle having always found in
miness is be for since the battle with the Rogue King, Athena had showny began to give in sames personality that she usually gave off
Indeed she is pal, Indeed she is I move to muse back as my fosse ouroves in to oner
“Chicken, Beef or Fish?” asks the Server who now stood before their al
“The Bear” I tell her, remembering that this was how things had played one in the beginning
Xodding. She moves to give the best, placing it dram gently in front of the before turning on autre Fish?” she asks again.
“Chicken” answers Athena with a smile.
“Il do the Beef as well” answers Bros.
Nodding her head again, the moves to place each of their choices down gently in that
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