News Lasted 98

News Lasted 98

Chapter 98 

The moment we had rushed Athena into the Hospital was the moment knew our lives would be forever changed. For today was the day that we would be welcoming our beautiful pups into the world, Ryder, Nathan and Samara Moonheart. Along with Adrian our family would officially be complete

abte will make beautiful pupspurrs Deimos, excited to finally meet our children

deed she will I murmur back, my mind now drifting back to earlier. For I had just finished speaking with mom and dad when suddenly I was hit with the most crippling wave of pain to ever feel run through me

The pain being hard that I could barely maintain my balance as I was all but forced to my knees. Having been in the hallway when it happened

FUCK, I growl, not liking to be thrown of guard for the last time we had felt something like this was when Athena was all but taken from us. When Ezra had all but taken advantage of her and forced the mates betrayal on us

Just then Ares moves to call out to me through the bond his voice strain as if he was feeling this pain as well

Yo. Did you feel that? This crippling pain?‘ 

Felt it? Fuck that, I felt alot more than that. And it was enough to send me to my fucking knees

Fuck! Yes! Who or what was that?I groaned, attempting to stand back up once the pain had subsided long enough for me to do so

AAthenais what Ares had attempted to say only to be cut off by another voice. Female. Almost softer as she all but calls to us in 


ARES! EROS! HELP! II can’t wake Athena! She’s screaming out in pain. Please, I need help!begs Artemis which was enough to have me all but rushing for our mate, for if Artemis couldn’t contact Athena and had to reach out to us for help it had to be bad

Shaking away my thoughts I all but move back to those who were currently waiting on the news for Athena, Kai along with Ares included

Mate is strong, Mate will survivepurrs Deimos, hoping to calm my nerves, not realizing that my body was beginning to shake from everything that had been happening since our return home until suddenly a pair of small arms all but wrap themselves around gently. My focus now is on the person in question

Don’t worry Papa. Mommy will be okaywhispers Adrian, his small body hugging me around the leg as he did. A small smile slowly rising as he did

I’m not worried kiddo. I know mommy is strong. She’ll pull through like alwaysI move to tell him as I move to pick him up within my 


Of course she will. She’s a Moonblood. We always bounce backreplies a male voice causing me to turn only to see Alex, Athena’s Uncle and Lycan King himself along with Rick, Sera, Mom, Dad as well as Lucas, Emma, Emily, Seth and Sam

You guys made itI muse

But of course we did. Don’t be so silly. We would never miss this opportunity to meet our Grandpupsadmits my father, just as he moves to pat my back, mom moving to hug Ares who all but looked like he needed it. Kai moving to stand close to his mate as we all gathered within the waiting room

Never said that you couldn’tI chuckle, knowing just how excited my parents were to finally have the grandpups that they’ve desperately 


Chapter 98 

wanted us to have

Goodlaughs father, just as a nurse moves to approach us, drawing our attention over to her

Excuse me, Alpha’scalls the nurse


The Luna is done with her CSection now. Everything went smoothly and she is currently resting along with the pups. Would you all like to see themoffers the nurse with a smile

Yes. But of course we doI move to say to her, the need to see our mate as well as our babies growing

Then please, right this waywas all the nurse moves to say as she mayes to guide us in the direction of our mate and children


When approaching the nursery, the nurse who had brought us all but pointed to where our pups would be. Athena currently resting in her Luna Suite so we all decided to check in on the pups

There so adorablecoos Emma, her eyes landing on the triplets who laid before them

Agreed. But how do you plan to tell Nathan and Ryder apart from one another?asks Kai, the boys literally identical as both move to sport black raven hair. The eyes currently unknown as they were all but sleeping. The only one who was different was Samara as her hair was that of Athena’s. Brown. Plus the fact she was a girl

Hmm.. guess we’ll have to wait and seeI say knowing there has to be a way to tell them apart

Don’t worry, I’m sure you willchimes mother, her eyes all but giving off that knowing look to them

Shaking my head, we all but continue to watch as Ryder, Nathan and Samara sleep, wondering how life would be with 3 newborn pups and 

a 5 year old to boot

Look at it like an adventure. The more people there are the better it’ll bechuckles Deimos

I’d rather notI muse, finding Deimos’s humor rather odd today but with everything that had been happening since our return I really 

couldn’t blame him

Papa, can we go in and see them?asks Adrian hoping to catch my attention

Sure why notI answered back, turning to address him as I did. Both of us moving to head inside. The others all but follow close behind

Once in do I move to put him down, Adrian instantly moving to approach his baby siblings. Hello Ryder, Nathan and Samara. I’m Adrian, I’m your big brother.” 

Smiling we all but silently watch

Adrian, can you tell them apart?asks Seth, curious to see if a child could tell them apart or not since none of the adults seemed to be 

able to

I can… 

This one here is Ryder and this one here is Nathanadmits Adrian, pointing to each boy as he spoke

Shocked and a little surprised, does Ares move to check on the names, each name having been carefully placed along the front of the crib, only to indeed see that one read Ryder and the other Nathan with Samar laying next to Nathan


Chapter 98 

WhoaHow in the world did he do that?asks Sam, curious to know how Adrian did that without seeing the names

Because he’s special. Athena told us a while back before we adopted him that Artemis deemed him special. That maybe, just maybe being special gives him an edge that others might not haveI admit, my eyes never leaving that of my son

WhoaTalk about coolwhispers Lucas, amazed by the child who now stood before them

Indeed. We’ll definitely have to keep an eye on him and the triplets as they get older. For who knows what Mother Moon all but has in store for themadmits Alex, his eyes also still on the boy as he continues to fuss over his new born siblings

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