Chapter 115
Irene’s POV:
It was late, the house wrapped in a calin quiet, and I was finally able to sit down with Charlie in his room. He was still brimming with energy from the day, bouncing around his bed as I coaxed him into our usual nightly routine. I had missed these moments with him, the simple closeness that only came with a mother and her child. I was more thankful for it tonight than ever.
I whispered, “Okay, little man,” and slipped him tinder the covers. “It’s time to get settled. Charlie’s eyes were bright and naughty as he smiled up at me.
“Mummy, you missed out on a lot when you were not home. Before I go to bed, Aunt Delores Three!” He grinned.
me ear three cookies.
I shook my head mockingly in frustration as I chuckled. “Oh, did she now? We will need to talk about that. No more sneaky cookies on my watch.”
“Promise?” he asked, his tone suddenly serious as he looked
- me.
“I promise you, my love,” I responded, feeling guilty for having to leave him even for a moment. His eyes shut, his hand on my arm as he fell asleep, while I sat beside him, listening to his breath and observing the pressure of his small hand on my arm. In that moment, I experienced a peaceflu simplicity that grounded me morr than I had been in a while…
After he had fallen asleep, I gently pecked his forehead before quietly tiptoeing out of his room and closing the door softly. The home was quiet and motionless, and I was reluctant to leave his dude, but had come to understand the importance of having some time to myself.
Downstairs, Delores stood anticipating, brandishing a bottle of wine with a raised eyebrow. “Let’s go,” she said with a mischievous smile. “I think we deserve a little wine in the garden. Just us.”
I nodded, following her outside. The night air was crisp, and the stars seemed to shine a little brighter than usual, casting a soft glow over the garden. We found a spot near the lavender bushes, a small wooden table between us as Delores poured us each a glass
“To a night without drama,” she toasted, clinking her glass against mine.
I laughed, taking a sip and letting myself relax. “Cheers to that
For a while, we talked about everything and nothing, our conversation wandering as it often did. After a while, Delores gave me a suggestive expression and inquired, “Are you planning to share with me about this new acquaintance you made during your break?”
I had another drink, sensing a warmth that wasn’t solely from the wine. “His name is Noah.
We met at the hotel. He’s.. well, he’s very kind. Straightforward, easy to talk to. Different from anyone I’ve met in a while.” Delores gave me a teasing smile. “Different in a good way, it sounds like.”
I laughed, a bit embarrassed. “He’s.. interesting, that’s for sure. However, it’s nothing ike that. He is aware that I am not looking for a romantic relationship and that we are merely friends” I hesitated, looking at her, unsure of how much to say. “He did offer me a job, though.”
“A job?” Delores raised an eyebrow, leaning in with interest. “Now that is intriguing.”
Dead chef at his hotel. I looked down at my glass, unsure of what her reaction would be. “It would mean I’d be busy.
out of the house–more.I thought it might be a good distraction
Fri, Nov
Chapter 115
Delores took a sip, nodding thoughtfully. “I think it sounds perfect. You’d be doing something you love, something that makes you happy. And it’s not like the place doesn’t have a backup chef if you need to leave on short notice Noah seems smart. He probably knows who you are.”
I hadn’t thought of it, but after giving it some consideration, it made sense. Noah was perceptive and had never pried. If he knew my background, he’d chosen to respect my privacy, which only made me respect him more. The thought settled something in my mind, made me feel even more certain about accepting the job
“You’re probably right,” I admitted, a small smile tugging at my lips. “And somehow, that makes me feel safe with him. if that makes sense.”“
Delores nodded, giving my hand a comforting squeeze. “You deserve this, Irene. I think you should go for it.”
1 looked back at her, truly grateful. She had always been my rock, the one who reminded me who I was when everything else seemed uncertain. “Thank you, Delores. For everything.”
She smiled, tilting her glass toward me. “Anytime
After a quiet moment, I decided to turn the tables. “And what about you and Steven? How are things going?”
Delores’s cheeks flushed slightly, a rare sight that made me laugh. “Oh, he’s.. wonderful,” she admitted with a shy smile. “I think he’s finally worn down my defenses. It’s strange, you know, letting someone in after all this time.”
I nodded, understanding all too well. “It’s a huge step.”
“Yeah, but a good one,” she murmured, her gaze becoming dreamy. “I never expected to experience these emotions again.
but here we are.”
I was about to continue speaking when the garden gate made a creaking sound, causing both of us to turn our heads in surprise. Damien stood in front of the garden lights, his face was impossible to read. His gaze moved back and forth pausing on me, and I couldn’t decipher the expression in his eyes for a moment
He began with ‘Irene, speaking in a hushed tone as though he was holding back something. “I need to talk you..alone.”
Delores’s eyes flicked from Damien to me, then back again. She gave my hand one last reassuring squeeze, murmuring, ” leave you two to talk,” before gathering the wine glasses and slipping inside.
I watched her go, feeling the tension build in the silence that followed. While the garden was fillsx with lavender and roses scent and the night air was refreshing, being with Damien somehow disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the evening.
He moved nearer, hands deep in pockets, his face partially hidden in the low light, “I was surprised to see you return earlier than expected,” he said at last, speaking in a careful and hesitant manner.
“Yes, it just seemed like the appropriate time.” I lifted my chin, locking eyes with him. “Charlie needs me, and I was determined not to allow anyone else make that choice on my behalf.”
His jaw muscle tensed, and he glanced away briefly, appearing to gather his thoughts. “Irene. I know things have been difficult. And I know I’ve made my share of mistakes.”
With my heart racing. I waited. Tonight, I noticed a change in his eyes–a vulnerability I hadn’t noticed in a while.
He took a long breath and let it out gradually. “I never wanted to push you away. Not like this. And I certainly didn’t mean for you to feel like you had to leave.”
1 was caught off guard by his words, stirring something deep within me. I tried to answer, but he moved towards me, his look filled with intensity.
matter what occurs… I never want you to feel abandoned in this house, Irene. I am aware that the Situation is chaotic, but I am determined to fix things.”
14:27 Fri, Nov 1 B
Chapter 115
His voice had a sharpness that seemed unfamiliar, a plea I could recall hearing from him previously It sparked a feeling within me, a glimmer of hope that had been nearly lost.
Before I could reply, a noise from the house grabbed our focus turned around, shocked to find Eva in the doorway, her face red, her eyes narrowing as she observed the situation.
“Such a cozy atmosphere, she said, arms crossed, with a sneer.
“Well,” she sneered, crossing her arms, “such a cozy atmosphere, isn’t it?” Her voice dripped with contempt, and I felt the fragile moment between Damien and me snap.
1 straightened, refusing to let her see any vulnerability. “Eva, we were in the middle of something
Smirking, she shot out, “Oh, I