Chapter 118
Damien’s POV
The morning sun seeped through the kitchen window, illuminating the awkward quietness that lingere between Irene and I With her arms crossed, she stood there, a mix of confusion and fritation on her face. While gazing at her, a part of me wanted to give her an explanation that would be sensible, but I was unable to find the right words
“Why can’t I work there, Damien?” Her voice was calm, but there was a hint of impatience beneath it. “Give me one valid
I opened my mouth, searching for something, anything to say that would convey why her decision was bothering me so much. However, I couldn’t explain anything to her without confessing things I wasn’t prepared to discuss. I balled up my hands, feeling the irritation eating away at me, avoiding making eye contact with her.
“I just don’t think that’s a good idea, Irene, I finally managed to say, keeping my tone as firm as much as I could. “It’s it’s Just not.
“That’s not a reason, Damien, she shot back, lifting her chin. “You’re being vague. If you don’t trust me, just say it.”
Her words stung. “It’s not that. It’s just-
“It’s just what?” She arched her eyebrows, daring me to voice my thoughts. However, I was unable to do so. How can I reveal the truth to her without putting everything at stake?
Hér patience was starting to wear off, and I could feel her distancing herself despite being right in front of me. “Don’t waste my time, Damien, if you don’t have a vaild reason.” Looking down at her watch, a determined expression crossed her face h is my first day, and I won’t be late due to an unclear reason that you can’t give me.”
I tried to prevent her, grabbing for her arm, but she gently shrugged me off. Her dismissal hit hard, harder than I wanted to admit, and as she grabbed her bag and headed out, I was left standing there, watching her retreating figure, feeling utterly helpless.
Once she was gone, the silence thickened, and I allowed myself frustrated sigh. I knew I’d handled that terribly. I wanted to protect her, to shield her from certain things that I feared would come up if she worked at Noah’s hotel. However, I couldn’t clarify any of this to her without bringing up painful memories that I had been trying to forget.
While I was deep in contemplation, I suddenly heard footsteps and looked up to find Lenora and Eva entering the room. They shared looks, both with deliberate expressions indicating they had been waiting for this moment.
“Damien,” Lenora began, her tone unusually gentle, “are you okay? You seem.. troubled”
I shook my head, trying to brush off her question. “It’s nothing. Just a small disagreement.”
But Eva’s eyes lit up with something that made me wary, She leaned against the kitchen counter, folding her arms You know, Damien,” she said, her voice dripping with false sympathy, it’s not surprising. Irene’s been acting distant, hasn’t she?”
1 clenched my jaw, feeling my irritation rise. “Irene has her own life, Eva. She’s entitled to make her own decisions.”
“Of course,” she replied swiftly, thoujg her smile was anything but reassuring. “But let’s be real here–she’s been rather mysterious lately, hasn’t she? A whole week away, no real explanation. And now, working for another man, one who just so happens to be single, successful, and of course. interested.”
The implication hit me like a towing train. That’s enough, Eva, almost yelled, but tried to keep my voice steady. “This isn’t any of your concern.”
Lenora chimed in, crossing her arms as she gave me a look of faux concern. “Don’t get defensive, Damien. We’re only trying to watch out for you. I mean, isn’t it a little strange that she choose that hotel, with that man, after everything? And now she’s
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going to be working so closely with him every single day”
Their words dug into me, each one adding to the growing unease in my chest. I wanted to dismiss them, to tell them they were wrong. However, the doubt had already begun to grow inside me, causing me to feel uneasy even though I tried to push it away.
“You’re allowing your imaginations run wild.” I muttered, though the conviction in my voice was wavering. “Irene would never do that.”
Eva gave a soft, almost pitying laugh. “Would she? You don’t really know, do you? You just assume. But we’re women, Damien we know how other women think. She’s out there, working for another man, dedicating her time away from you and home…what do you suspect she’s actually up
I squeezed my hands tightly, resisting the temptation to strike lijck. I was hesitant to trust them, yet uncertainty started to surface. This morning, I recalled Irene’s determination as she walked away without glancing back at me. It wasn’t like her. It
wasn’t like us.
“She was gone for a week, Damien, Lenora continued, her voice low, conspiratorial. “And Noah was probably right there. giving her the attention you haven’t been.”
“Stop. I snapped, though my voice wavered. Just.. stop. I trust her.”
“Do you?” Lenora’s voice was almost a whisper, her gaze piercing ‘Because she clearly has no issue disregarding your feelings. If she cared about you, she’d never take a job that bothers you this much. She’s doing this because she wants to Damien. She’s putting her feelings above yours.”
I gazed at the floor, determined not to show how much their words were impacting me. All their words seemed incorrect yet the uncertainty continued to grow, driven by my incapacity to explain to Irene the true reason for my opposition to her working in that place.
Eva let out a sigh, her hand resting on her stomach in a way that drew my attention. “It’s not just about you, Damien. I’m thinking of our child, of what’s best for this family. Having her here, bringing this sort of drama and uncertainty. it’s not good for any of us.”
“She’s unstable,” Lenora added, her tone sharpening. “And if you let this continue, she’ll keep driving a wedge between you and your child. Think about it, Damien. This isn’t just about her job. It’s about everything. Her priorities aren’t here anymore. She’s leaving you, and she’s doing it piece by piece,”
The accusations were weighing on me, causing my composure to crumble and my thoughts to twist. “Irene isn’t that way.” I stated, even though the words seemed empty even to myself. “She’s just.. finding her own way.”
“And at what cost?” Eva’s voice softened, her tone dripping with sympathy. “Sometimes, Damien, it’s better to cut ties before things get worse. Before you’re hurt even more.”
Lenora leaned forward, her gaze intense. “Do you really want to be with someone who doesn’t respect you enough to listen? Who chooses another man’s approval over yours?”
The room fell silent, their words echoing in my mind. They were pushing, twisting, nudging me toward something that felt both wrong and yet disturbingly logical. If Irene’s loyalty was wavering, if she was already slipping away, was it better to let her go before things turned even more painful?
“Maybe..” Lenora hesitated, as if weighing her words carefully. Maybe it’s time to consider ending things. For everyone” sake
1 gazed at her, confused. The idea hit me with the same force as a sudden slap to the face, leaving me breathless. Divorce. The unfamiliar and harsh word reverberated in my thoughts, catching me off guard like a sudden strike.
“End… the marriage?” I repeated, barely recognizing my own voice. The idea felt so inreal, like stepping onto the edge of a cliff without knowing if the re was solid ground beneath me. And that’s something I never want to experience again in my
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I had ended my marriage once with Irene with a heavy influence of Eva. And now, she and Lenora wants history to repeat itself.
“Yes,” Lenora said gently, her voice laced with feigned compassion. “Think about it, Damien. It might be the best option. For you, for our family, and for your child. Sometimes, letting go is the only way to truly move forward.“
I looked away, feeling the weight of their words settling on me, cold and unyielding. A part of me knew they were manipulating me, playing on my fears. But another part of me one that had been wounded by Irene’s distant behavior- wondered if they were right.
As their words lingered, the ground beneath me felt less certain, each step forward clouded by the seeds of doubt they’d