Her Mouth
CHAPTER 041: The Second She Opened Her Mouth
Even before walking into the O’Briens company, I knew our contract termination process wouldn’t be smooth sailing. I’d prepared every scenario in my head, ready with a reply. What I’d say when they tried to bully me into staying. What I’d say when they mention Julie’s name, because, of course, Julie must be mentioned.
She’s in my house. All the changes she’s gone through these past few weeks have been since she met me. So I knew there’s no way Ryan would let me leave this meeting without making that fact known at least once: that I stole his wife and am now punishing him by pulling the plug on our partnership deal.
What I didn’t expect, however, is Adeline politely asking me to stay.
When you’re so far along in a battle, any glint of peace takes you by surprise.
“I beg your pardon?” I say.
Adeline clears her throat. “I tried my best to raise my son to be a good and productive member of society. But sometimes, children don’t always turn out how you want them to. They don’t listen. They marry beneath their status. They try to create half–breed babies.” She turns to look at Emily with disgust in her eyes before turning back to face me with a sweet smile. “And they don’t know the most important rule of business: business is business. So, Mr. Martinez, please forgive my son as I try to correct his mistakes.”
I try not to dwell on how offensive most of her speech was. Instead, I indulge her nonsense. “And how, Mrs. O’Brien, do you plan to do that?”
“Name it. Whatever you want that’s within my power to give you, just name it. You want Julie, fine. You
can have her.”
“She’s not yours to give,” I say.
“Which is why I need you to tell me which of the things I own or control can persuade you to stay.”
The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Adeline sits across the table from me, her fingers steepled, looking as serene as a marble statue. Her smile doesn’t touch her eyes.
I let her words hang in the air. I look around the room, taking in each person, watching them squirm. Ryan is visibly agitated, his fingers flexing and curling, unable to contain his irritation. Emily stands off to the side, eyes darting between us. And Adeline… she’s watching me with that same calm expression.
Finally, I meet her eyes, my voice as cool as I can make it. “I’ve thought long and hard about it,” I say.” And nothing’s coming to my head.”
She falters just for a moment. “How about if I say please?”
– give her a small smile. “It’s still a no, Adeline.”
But Adeline is relentless. “An apology from Ryan. Is that what you want?” She looks over at her son, like she’s offering him up for a public flogging.
I open my mouth, ready with a retort, but then Emily speaks up. “I… I have a suggestion.”
Adeline whips her head around. “This is not your place, Emily. Stay out of it.”
I hold up a hand, stopping her. “Let her speak, Adeline. There’s a reason freedom of speech exists in this
CHAPTER 041 The Second She Opened Her Mouth
country, and you’re trampling on her human rights.”
Emily shoots me a quick, grateful glance before clearing her throat. “I know… whatever decisions Mr. Martinez is making, they’re not personal. But maybe… maybe if we made it personal, just a little?”
I raise an eyebrow, curious. “How?”
Emily looks around, her gaze nervous but determined. “What if Ryan drops all charges against Julie? And Julie drops hers against him. They agree to split everything fifty–fifty… and we all just walk away. In peace.”
Her words land like a bomb. For a moment, everyone is too stunned to speak. Then Ryan erupts, his face turning mottled red. “What the hell? Are you out of your mind? I don’t even want to split with my wife! And now you’re suggesting I hand over half my money?”
Adeline’s eyes are cold and calculating as she watches her son, waiting for him to wind down. When he finally does, she says, “Ryan, darling, I don’t think you have that much money to be so worried about an equal split. What you do have, however, is a concubine with a surprisingly good idea.”
Ryan’s face turns even redder, but he doesn’t say a word.
Adeline shifts her gaze back to me. “Mr. Martinez, we’re willing to drop all charges against your… friend, as long as she agrees to do the same.”
I give her a slow smile. “Which is rather sweet of you, but I thought we were here to talk business.”
“Business is business. But I agree that sometimes it can be personal, too.” She pauses, watching me, calculating every flicker of emotion on my face. “And if you’re not satisfied with just that, we can adjust the terms of the joint venture agreement. Five–year contract instead of ten. Sixty–forty split, with the sixty on your side, of course. And we’ll not be forced to take anything to court.”
“Take what to court?” I ask.
“Your illegal contract termination.” Her voice is so calm, so matter–of–fact, it takes me a second to process the threat wrapped in her polite words.
I’m about to snap back when Jerome, my lawyer, leans close and whispers in my ear, “Luke, we need to discuss this. Outside.”
I clench my jaw, forcing myself to stay calm. I turn back to the room, giving them all one last, hard look, and nod. “Excuse us for a moment.”
Jerome and I step out into the hallway, the heavy door closing behind us with a soft click.
I exhale, running a hand through my hair.
Jerome sighs beside me, shaking his head. “You alright?”
I nod, trying to keep my expression neutral, even though my blood is boiling. “Yeah. Just… processing.”
“You’re handling it a hell of a lot better than I would. They’re offering you a pretty sweet deal, but you know, as well as I do, that’s just the bait. She’s setting a trap, Luke.”
I let out a dry laugh. “Yeah. I saw it the second she opened her mouth.”