Chapter 0049
Chapter 0049
“Do not say a word to him, you hear me? I am on my way.”
Kian’s words are a repeated echo in my mind even when it’s been minutes since he gave that stern. warning through the phone. I hate when he talks to me in that tone, that business–like tone that seeks to draw the line and put me behind it.
It drives me insane and makes me want to rebel in the most dramatic way so he knows that there are no lines between us. So he is reminded that as long as I am carrying his child, I have him wrapped around my finger and he can only yearn for what he lost by giving in to me that night two months ago.
But the important thing about rebellion is knowing when to stand down. Like at this present moment where Kian’s grandfather is concerned.
Kian has only ever looked up to one person and that person is his grandfather. Back when he was madly in love with me, he would talk on and on about the old man so it was clear that his grandfather had so
much influence over his life.
I knew that if I wanted a permanent spot in his life, his love and attention wasn’t enough; I needed his grandfather’s approval as well.
I pestered him constantly about introducing me to his family until he finally gave in that night three years ago and took me to that family dinner that changed everything. The family dinner that was supposed to seal my spot in his life but ended up sealing that of his secretary and ruining years of thorough planning that led to that moment.
‘Reminiscing it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth so I force the thoughts away and instead try to think of a way to make an impression on Kian’s grandfather. This is a second chance for me to turn things back in my favor
The old man has already made himself comfortable on one of the couches in the living room while I watch him secretly, standing behind the curtains. The multiple heavy bags dragged in by the maids are a sign that he is going to be around for a while. How long? A week? Two? A month, perhaps? I can’t seem to tell.
Apart from constantly asking the maids about the whereabouts of his ‘Bride‘, he hasn’t said a word. The maids do a good job at shaking their head and simply bowing whenever he asks about that pest of a wife that Kian used to have.
I finally understand why Kian sounded like that on the phone when he called. His grandfather doesn’t know about the divorce yet which means he doesn’t even know about me,or the fact that I am carrying his great–grandchild.
My mood only sours further. Kian is hiding me from his grandfather which is in no way a good thing if I want to be back in his life. Sure, his mother adores me and is an advocate of Kian’s remarriage but the respect Klan has for his mother can’t even hold a candle to the one he has for his grandfather.
can’t let him hide me away like this.
A maid walks past me at that very moment, heading in the direction of the living room with a tray in her hands. I put my hand on her arm to stop her.
Chapter 0049
“Is that for him?” I ask in a whisper, staring into the swirling liquid on the tray which I assume is tea,
“Yes, miss.” She responds but her eyes widen in the next second as she corrects herself in a whisper, “Ma -madam.”
Her reaction is a result of Klan’s mother’s order or to put it more accurately, threat to every worker in the house to refer to me as madam because I am the new madam of the house.
I wave off her mistake, concerned about other things than a title that won’t be fully mine if I don’t do the work.
“Hand it over.” I say. The maid hesitates but does as I command and I motion with my head for her to walk away.
When she leaves, I balance the tray in one hand so I can brush my fingers through my hair to look presentable then adjust my dress so that it strains against my stomach in a way that will make my small bump noticeable to anyone even from a long distance.
Then I step away from the curtains and into the living room with a perfected fake smile on my face. He is laser–focused on the business news, transmitting from the TV that he doesn’t seem to notice me for the first few seconds until I speak
“Tea, sir.” I say after setting the tray on the table, still with that smile stretching my lips so wide it’s making my jaw hurt. His attention is taken away from the TV and it lands on me with a cold aura that almost knocks the breath out of my lungs.
Kian used to talk about how child–like and sweet his grandfather was and perhaps that was what I expected when I made the spontaneous decision to show myself to him despite Kian’s warnings. His eyes are boring into me, assessing me, stripping me layer after layer as if he can see me for what I really
- am.
Then he looks away and reaches for his tea
“Let me-“I try to serve him but he’s faster. He takes a sip and slowly places it back on the tray. I stand there, clueless. Shit, I don’t even know what to say to him. I beat myself up for not coming up with a proper plan before showing myself to him like this.
I turn to leave, accepting my failure but his voice stops me.
“You don’t look like a maid.” He isn’t even looking at me as he says that.
I turn back swiftly, feeling like I have finally gotten my chance. He noticed! I clear my throat,
“That’s because I am not, sir.” I respond and that’s when he finally looks at me. He pauses as if waiting for me to fully introduce myself.
“My name is Beverly.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t think your name is what I need to know right now, young woman. Don’t you think I need something else that actually explains why a woman who isn’t a maid and neither is my grandson’s wife, is serving me tea in his house?”
I rub my tummy and I feel his gaze on it, his brows pulling together. I act shy to compliment that move and make him know that indeed, it is what he’s thinking
Chapter 0049
“You are right sir, gosh, where are my manners?” I laugh softly, “I am your grandson’s new wi-”
Kian’s voice cuts through the air before I can finish my word