Chapter 12
The pain in my hand was nothing compared to the ache in my heart as Sabrina’s voice out through the
I was stunned by the hatred in her words. The tears I had been fighting so hard to hold back finally spilled over, hot and shameful on my cheeks. I quickly turned away, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
But the hits just kept coming. Elder Grayson, his face creased with disappointment, macped out of the crowd.
“Young lady,” he said, his voice heavy with disapproval, what you did to Linds was uniorgwable Stes with child, for heaven’s sake!”
The injustice of it all made me want to scream. I looked up at him, my vision blurry with tears. Budiant do anything to her,” I choked out. “She’s lying Please, you have to believe me.”
However, looking around at the crowd of hostile faces, knew it was hopeless. They had all made up ther minds. In their eyes, I was the villain, the jealous wife who had attacked a pregnant woman our off spre
Dante’s cold voice cut through my anxious thoughts. “Go to your room Ana,” he said, not even bothering to look at me. “Take care of your hand. I won’t pursue this matter any
I glared at him and suddenly all the pain and the frustration came rushing to the surface. I was trying be the bigger person, but I couldn’t take it anymore
“You are not going to pursue it?” I said, my voice rising with each word. That’s rich Dame. You havent pursued the truth since the day Linda waltzed into our lives?
A hush fell over the room. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, but I was past caring
“Don’t you want to know what really happened? I continued, my words coming out in a rush. “Your precious Linda staged this whole thing. She hurt herself and blamed me because she knew you wou believe her over me. And you know what? She was right”
Dante finally looked at me, his eyes wide with shook. “Aria, that’s enough Just go to-
But I wasn’t done talking. The dam had broken, and there was no holding back the food is IT enough. It will never be enough until you all open your eyes and see what’s realy going on here”
I turned around, addressing the whole room now. “None of you even bothered to ask my side of the mor Well, I’m done. I’m done trying to prove myself to people who’ve already decided that me which”
I turned back to Dante, my heart pounding. “I want a divorce, Dante Right here, right now, in front of everyone.”
A collective gasp went through the room. Dante’s face paled, but before he could respond Sabrine jumped in.
‘Fine!” she snapped. “Go ahead and leave! But don’t think you’re taking anything with you Everything you have, Dante bought for you. If you are going to leave, then you will have to leave this place with nothing”
* sudden laugh bubbled up from deep inside me, harsh and bitter. The sound echoed through the room,
sliencing everyone
Te that supposed to hurt me, Sabrina?” I asked, my voice filled with sarcasm. “Do you think I care about tings? About money? I shook my head, feeling a strange sense of freedom washing over me. “The only thing ever wanted was love and respect, and clearly, I’m not going to find that here.”
Everyone just stared at me with wide eyes. I could see the shock on their faces, the disbelief. They had
ver seen this side of me before. Well, they were about to see a whole lot more.
Without breaking eye contact with Sabrina, I reached up and unclasped the pearl necklace Dante had given me on our first anniversary. It fell to the floor with a soft clatter.
“You want everything back? I said, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside me. Fine Have it all.”
I kicked off the designer shoes, hearing gasps as they slid across the polished floor. Next came the silk. blouse, buttons fiving as I tore it off.
“Aris, stop this! Agatha exclaimed, her face pale with shock. “You’re making a scene!”
aughed again. A scene? Oh, I’ll show you a scene.”
I slipped out of the tailored skirt, letting it fall at my feet Standing there in nothing but my thin slip and underwear, I felt more powerful than I ever had in all the fancy clothes Dante had bought me.
“Is this what you wanted?” I asked, spreading my arms wide. “To strip me of everything? Well, here you go.
- Take it all.”
e low and
Dante finally seemed to snap out of his shocked state. “Aria, that’s enough,” he said, his voice tense “You’ve made your point.”
I turned to him, feeling a twinge in my heart at the conflict in his eyes. I wanted to calm down, but then my gaze shifted to Linda, still clinging to his arm, a look of smug satisfaction on her face.
That was all it took to harden my resolve.
“No, Dante,” I said softly. “I don’t think I have.”
With trembling fingers, I reached for the last piece of jewelry 1 wore my wedding ring. The diamond caught the light as I pulled it off, memories of our wedding day flashing through my mind.
“This,” I said, holding up the ring, “was supposed to be a symbol of our love of our commitment. But now? It’s just another pretty cage.”
I drew my arm back and threw the ring with all my might. It hit the far wall with a tiny ping‘ before disappearing into the shadows.
A collective gasp went up from the assembled guests. Agatha looked like she might faint. Sabrina’s
Dante just stood there, looking confused. mouth hung open in shock. And Dante,
“There,” I said, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Now you have everything back. I hope you’re all very happy together.”
I turned towards the door, very aware of my near–nakedness but I didn
care. Let them stare. Let them
judge. I was done living my life for their approval.
As 1 reached for the door handle, Dante’s voice stopped me. “Aria, wait,” he said, sounding uncertain for the first time. “Where will you go?”
I looked back at him over my shoulder, seeing the reluctance in his gaze. Part of me wanted to run back into his arms, and forget everything that happened. But that part was getting smaller by the second. “Does it t matter?” I asked softly. “You made your choice, Dante. Now I’m making mine.”
With that, I turned the handle and pulled the door open, ready to step out..
But as the door swung wide, I froze. Standing at the entrance was a man I never expected to see. A man whose presence made my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat.
I heard gasps behind me, and I knew without looking that everyone in the room was as shocked as I was. Because there in the doorway, stood the one person who could turn this whole situation on its head.
And as our eyes met, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.