Chapter 10
The next morning, Cain woke me up at the crack of dawn, excited to head back down to the lobby to buy bacon. I was a bit groggy after having smoked so much wintergreen the night befoge, but I pulled myself out of bed and followed him down to the hotel lobby.
“I think I’ll be okay eating downstairs today,” Cain remarked as we made our way down the stairs.
“Are you sure?” I asked. “We can take it back up to the room again if you want. It’s early. We have plenty of time before we
have to check out
As the words left my mouth, I suddenly realized that our time together might be close to over. We had to check out at noon. and Cain had never mentioned what his plans were after that. Didn’t he need to be headed home? I felt my pulse quicken as I realized what this would mean for me. I’d have to go home. Ed have to go back to the apartment, probably face Jackson and figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I didn’t even know what I would do with my furniture.
Cain gave me an awkward glance, and I could tell he was having similar thoughts. It was as if we’d been lost in a dream these past two days, and waking up this morning, we were suddenly faced with the harsh reality that it was about to be over.
Cain and I stood in line at the buffet line. I added a cinnamon roll, some bacon, and some eggs to my plate, and I watched as Cain piled his plate high with bacon. An older gentleman behind us was staring at his plate, obviously wondering why someone would want to eat an entire pound of bacon at once.
“Might have to lull that one later,” I whispered to Cain, trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh no!” Cain replied, alarmed.
I put my hand on his shoulder. “Relax, I was only joking,” I said calmly.
The lobby was much quieter this early in the morning, so we were easily able to sit down at a table without getting too close to any of the human guests. No sooner had we sat down, though than Cain excused himself from the table.
I took a bite of my cinnamon roll and tried to figure out where he might be going. Perhaps he had to take another call from his father. He hadn’t ever called his dad back, as he had promised at least to my knowledge.
My breakfast was mostly gone by the time Cain finally returned. When he did, he looked relieved. He sat down at the table in front of me, and smiled. “Problem solved,” he said simply
“What?” I asked, clearly confused.
“I extended our stay until the end of the week,” he replied, giddily.
“Oh, I ummm…I stammered, surprised that he had taken such initiative.
Cain’s face immediately sunk. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Was that too presumptuous of me? You said you didn’t have to work, I know you don’t want to go back to your apartment with your ex, and well, I could use a little more time away from my dad, to be honest,” Cain replied, apologetically.
“Oh! No! Of course, I am happy to stay, and really glad I don’t have to go back to my apartment, actually. You just caught me off–guard is all, I explained
Cain smiled. “Good, I’m glad we can spend a few more days together.”
We ate in silence for a few minutes before he asked, “So, what else is there to see around here?”
I thought for a moment. Youenday we had seen most of the important sights within walking distance The pubhe transit here was not great, and I didn’t think Cain would be very comfortable a city bus. My only vehicle was the Book Mobile that I drove for work, and that was in temporary Morage in an RV lot. Finally, an idea came to me.
18:19 Fri, Oct 25
Chapter 10
“Waterfront Park is nearby. It’s right on Burlington Bay and has a lot of beautiful wooded areas, if that’s something you’re interested in,” Loffered.
Cain’s warm smile reappeared. “That sounds wonderful,” he replied. “I could go for some time in the woods.”
Cain and I finished breakfast, then headed out onto the streets Burlington once again. As we walked past a clothing store. I insisted we stop and go inside.
“I’m now on my third day in these same clothes. I really need something clean,” I explained.
Cain followed me inside the store and watched somewhat awkwardly as I flipped through the racks, looking for some affordable items to put on. Having been off from work for a few weeks, my finances weren’t at their best, and I couldn’t afford to spend $50 on an outfit. Finally, I settled on a cheap pair of gray tights and a long, blue sweater, which had been marked down. I asked the saleswoman if I could buy them and change in the fitting room, and she agreed, although she seemed pretty confused by the odd request.
Feeling refreshed in my new outfit, we headed back outside. I couldn’t help but admire Cain’s physique as I walked behind him. In the past, as other female wolves talked about “their type, I had never been certain what mine really was. Maybe I just hadn’t dated enough to find out. But now, I knew without question that Cain was my type. He was just dominant enough to make me feel feminine. His broad shoulders and strong arms made me feel safe. Maybe it was just because I was so intensely in heat right now, but I couldn’t help but feel turned on just walking behind him.
Cain turned around and looked at me. “Are you coming, little wolf?” he asked, playfully.
I immediately noticed how slowly we’d been walking, and I hurried to catch back up. “Yes, err. Sorry. I was just distracted,” I explained. We’ll turn up here. To the left.”
We rounded the corner to the left, and I could see the park entrance in the distance. Once again, I found myself staring at Cain’s dark hair and full beard, rather than paying attention to where I was going.
“Not in the mood to play tour guide today?” Cain asked.
“What? Oh, I, uhhh, I stammered.
“It’s okay. It’s just that yesterday you were pointing out every building and alley, and today you’ve barely acknowledged the multiple statues and museums we just walked past. Is everything okay?” Cain asked, concern in his voice.
I felt my cheeks turn red. “Everything’s fine,” I started to explain. “I just you’re going to think I’m silly.”
Cain stopped on the sidewalk and looked directly at me. “Oh, probably. But I like silly. What’s up?”
I giggled a little and looked up towards the sky, nervously, “I’m just…sooo in heat. I’m having a really hard time focusing.” 1 whispered, hoping not to sound too forward.
Cain let out a deep, throaty laugh. Taking me by the hand, he said sensually, “Is that what it is? Well, I’m sure we can find a
cure for that.”
We were silent for a few moments as we continued down the street towards the park. Luckily, the park was pretty quiet this morning. I led Cain down to one of my favorite spots, a little piece of waterfront surrounded by trees.
The water is so beautiful down here, he remarked, looking out across the bay.
“It really is In the summer, they rent paddle boats and kayaks, and you can go out on the water, I explained.
Cain turned towards me, and took both of my hands in his. Just as touch made my spine tingle with excitement,
“What’s over there?” He finally asked, pointing towards a grove of trees in the distance.
“Just some walking paths, really.” I replied. “Want to check it out
18:19 Fri, Oct 25
Chapter 10
“Sure! It looks cozy, Cain replied,
We made our way over to the trees, and I showed Cain one of the quieter paths. We came to a footbridge over a little stream, and he stopped in his tracks, turning towards me and taking me in his arms. Our lips found each other’s, and I melted into his passionate embrace.
Finally pulling away from me, Cain whispered hoarsely, “Let’s go mate in that grove over there.”
“What?” I exclaimed. “But someone might see!”
Cain chuckled, stroking my neck with his hand. “And isn’t that part of the fun? Come on, we’ll transition first. There’s nobody around, and if they do happen to come upon us, they’ll just assume we’re wildlife.”
1 thought about it for a moment. I was so furiously in heat right now, that I thought my body might explode if I didn’t say yes, but at the same time, as ashamed as I was to admit it, I had never mated outdoors before,
Cain must have sensed I was a little uncomfortable, because he immediately backed down. “Only if you want to. I don’t want to make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with,” he insisted
“Oh, no.. it’s just that, well… I’ve never this would be my first time I stammered.
Cain raised his eyebrows. “Your first time.. in the wild?” he aske
I felt the blood rush to my face as I blushed. “Yes?” I replied, feeling a bit unsure of myself.
“Ah, little wolf. There’s nothing like it. Trust me,” he insisted.
I moved back towards Cain, kissing him on the lips once again. Our bodies felt electrically entwined as he began leading me over to the wooded grove.
Once inside the grove, I felt Cain press his body against mine, and before I knew it, we were both transitioning. But instead of feeling the smoothness or bed sheets against my furry tail as transformed, I felt the soft bed of pine needles against my fur. The crisp fall air tingled against my wolf nose, awakening my senses. All of the sudden, it was as though I was fully taken in by Cain, consumed by his essence. I let out a little whimper as I felt him inside of me..
Our bodies rose and fell as if they were one, consumed by the magic of the wind and trees. As we both reached climax, I felt an intense sense of fulfillment. Our furry bodies collapsed into a heap on the ground, the pine branches whistling around
Cain pulled me in close to him, and we cuddled on the soft bed of pine needles. It had been so long since I’d felt so fully comfortable as my wolf. On top of that, Jackson had always been so quick to transition back to his human form after sex. We’d never even spent that much time cuddling as our wolves. It felt satisfying and natural in a whole new way
“I told you this would be amazing Cain purred, nudging my neck with his soft nose.
I licked his cheek gently. “You weren’t kidding. I had no idea what I was missing out on”
I pondered the past few years and how deeply I had been suppressing my wolf self during this time. Yes, I had spent some time visiting various packs for work, and I’d been able to be a bit more free there, but I had always been so afraid to fully embrace my wolf side, fearing that if I really let go, I would not be able to rein it back in again. Was this what being a pack woll was like? Was it always this much more satisfying to be in one’s wolf form, out in nature?
“I can’t believe you’ve never done it in the wild before!” Cain continued. “One of the best things about being a werewolf, i think
As he spoke, Cain pushed his muzzle into my neck, and 1 braced myself. This must be it He must have been waiting until we could be out in the wild to bite me and complete the mate bending ritual! My legs quivered with anticipation as t felt every nerve ending electrily under his touch.
18:20 Fri, Oct 25