Wintergreen Mating Novel 13

Wintergreen Mating Novel 13

Chapter 13 

@K 78

I woke up to sunlight streaming in the window. I turned over in bed, being careful not to rip the covers off of Cain, but then I remembered he was in the other bed. I looked at his resting peacefully, and laid my head back down on the pillow, trying to will myself back asleep. My mouth was so dry from going to bed without drinking any water first. I could still taste stale, red wine on the back of my tongue

Cain stirred, and I almost wished him good morning,but he promptly closed his eyes again and rolled over

I looked at my phone. I had one missed call from Christy. She had apparently called late last night, probably when we were down at the bar, drinking, I sent her a quick message, letting her know I was okay. Then, I began to reflect on the conversation we’d had yesterday when I called her from the lobby

I had told Christy I was going to wait out the week with Cain and see how things progressed. Now, it was Friday, and things had clearly not progressed as I had hoped. We hadn’t clarified whether he was headed back home today or tomorrow, but I was certain that if he had any platts of mate bonding with me and sealing the deal with a bite, he’d have done it by now. I had dropped every hint in the book last night at the bar. Short of directly asking him to bite me, I wasn’t sure I could be any 

more clear

My heat had definitely passed now. My whole head felt calmer and quieter. I was able to actually process my thoughts, rather than feel them fleeting all over the place, interrupted by feelings of lust and longing

prior to 

I remembered, too, the thought spiral I had gone down late last night as I’d drifted off to sleep. I hadn’t realized. this, how suppressed I had felt as a wolf. My conclusion last night had been valid. It really would be wise for me to take some time for myself, and figure out who I was and what I wanted in life, before I embarked on something so serious as a mate bond 

He was just in the right place at the right time. Just a really hot night stand, I told myself, looking at Cain’s sleeping figure on the bed beside mine

I started to think about how we’d say goodbye. Would he just give me a kiss and then leave, never to see me again? Maybe he would give me his phone number and we would make plans to meet up again down the road. It would have to be months from now. I had a 3month work assignment coming up in a few weeks, and I couldn’t financially afford to cut it short

1 sighed. Even if he did give me his number, did I want to meet up with him again? I’d spent the last three days waiting for him to bite me. It was now clear that wasn’t going to happen. Was I interested in whatever other sort of relationship he planned on having? I’d spent five years waiting around with Jackson. I was too old to do that sort of thing again. Maybe a friends with benefitsrelationship would be okay, but then again, wouldn’t that get in the way of me finding my one true 


None of these problems were going to be solved by me lying here in bed. Feeling restless, I slowly sat up and pushed the covers off of me, trying to be as quiet as I could in the process. I pulled on the gray leggings and sweater sitting on the floor between the beds, and cringed as I noticed they smelled. Yes, I really needed to head home and get some clean clothes- at least, find a laundromat


Now dressed, I started to gather my other things from around the hotel room, cramming them into my purse. There wasn’t much. How I’d survived three days here with basically two tubes of eye makeup, my plione, a chapstick, and a bottle of ibuprofen. I could never be sure

Cain hadn’t moved since I had gotten up, so I walked over to hit, planning to wake him and say goodbye. But then, I just couldn’t settle on the words to use. What would I say? I couldn’t be so direct as to tell him I was leaving because he never bit me. Could I make up some lie about a work meeting? Maybe I could say my boyfriend had called and we were getting back. together Neither of these ideas really seemed to fit the bill

I glanced over at the nightstand. There was a branded pad of paper and a pencil. I took the pad of paper and scrawled out



18:20 Fri, Oc 

Chapter 13 

I had to leave. I’m sorry for not saying goodbye. Thank you for the fun werk. Call me if you want to meet up again



I looked at Cain, still sleeping peacefully, and started to place the note on his pillow. But my hands just wouldn’t let me down. As rude as it seemed to leave without leaving a note, I wasn’t actually sure I wanted to see Cain again. I wasn’t so s even wanted him to have my number

I felt tears starting to well up in the corners of my eyes and decided that was my cue to go. I crumbled up the note and shoved it in my purse, then crept towards the hotel room door. Ever so carefully, Topened the door, slid out, and gently pushed it closed behind me

Once in the hall, tears did start to stream down my face. Just days ago, I had been certain I’d found my one true mate at bar. I recalled the nigging feeling in my neck, our romantic first evening together, the hot trist in the pine grove. These would all be memories now

I wiped my tears away, squared my shoulders, and set off down the hallway. Not wanting to risk waiting for the elevator a having Cam come into the hallway before it arrived, I started down the stairs

Breakfast was already set up in the lobby. My stomach was rumbling, but I decided against stopping for something to eat. didn’t wantao risk Cain coming down and greeting me, and then having to awkwardly say goodbye. Oh Marlie, you are definitely taking the coward’s way out of this one, I told myself. But then again, I had just gone through a major breakup. followed by a failed mate bond. I deserved a little grace, didn’t I‘ 

The cold air stung my face as I stepped out of the hotel. Winter was definitely on its way. I hugged my purse tight to my body as I hurried down the street 

It was about to blocks to my apartment, and I didn’t think I could make it that far without freezing half to death. So, I stopped halfway for a coffee. The barista looked me up and down, no doubt wondering why I looked so disheveled, but I didn’t have the energy to care. 1 lingered in the coffee shop for a moment, ignoring her questioning gazes as I sipped my warm beverage and tried to heat up my chilly hands with the cup 

Finally, I got up the nerve to go back outside Switching my coffee from hand to hand, I continued walking towards my apartment. The city folk without cars were just beginning to walk to work at this hour. I looked at their furry coats and wan boots with jealousy

Rounding the corner onto my street, my stomach sank when I saw Jackson’s car parked outside of the apartment building really hoped he’d already left for work, and that I could have some ume alone in the apartment to pack my things and a plan Slavering. I ducked into an alley and glanced at my phone. It was only 8.32. He didn’t start work until 9 00, sa maybe he was just running a bit late

My hands still shaking. I struggled to dial Christy’s number. She picked up immediately and sounded relieved to hear from 

if Clans.I finally explained “He didn’t bote me last right, and when we were at the bar, he just kept dodging the top eiquely 1 thunk I made a injudgement. I must not have been toeling the mate boud after all. It must have pot been Jowerful beat 

A that’s too bad sweetie Christy replied Are you okay? You like you’re shaking or something 

Line freezing Cali 

Ichuckled Teal Tahoe just a cold Ob sy god teks out here” 

are you outside 

aked Chrisly 


di Ipad gungstuk Illy, bude de sparen waiting for Jackon to leave fur work us

for hours. Why 

18:20 Fri, Oct 25 

Chapter 13 

on my lunch break and help you pack,she offered

I pondered this option for a minute. It would be nice to have Christy

me, helping me pack. But the idea of waiting around in a coffee shop or cafe until then didn’t sound appealing at all. I had not been home in days, and I really wanted to take a warm shower in my own apartment, even if that meant shivering away in the cold for a few minutes

Eh. I think I’m good. I’m just going to wait here. He should be leaving any minute. Really, Fm okay.I assured her

Alright Christy replied, slowly. Promise me you’ll call me if you need anything, though. Anything at all” 

−1 willI replied, hanging up the phone

I moved a little further back into the alleyway, not wanting Jackson to see me when he walked out of the apartment. I glanced down at my phone again 8:40. He really should be leaving by now if he’s going to make it to work on time

A newspaper courier walked past the alleyway and nodded at me Chilly day out here,he commented

“Oh yes I agreed, still shivering

1 crep forward again, peering down the street. Sure enough, Jackson’s car was still there. Now, I was starting to have to pee. Come on, Jackson Come on, I whispered under my breath 

I looked down at my phone again, my hands shaking so badly I could barely put my thumb on the recognition pad. Friday

November 5th

Then it hit me. Friday Jackson worked from home on Fridays

Ah, shitI said out loud, looking back and forth between the phone and my car

Now my whole body was shaking as 1 considered my options. I could go wait in a cafe as Christy had suggested, and let her 

into the apartment with me around lunchtime. I would still have to see Jackson, but I wouldn’t be alone. Would that make it more or less awkward

1 could call Jackson and ask him to go into the office so I could sort through my things alone. Nah, that seemed rather petty

1 guess I could just suck it up and go inside. I mean, I would have to face him eventually. I looked like an absolute wreck right now, and I wasn’t food of him seeing me like this. But then again, why did it matter? He’d broken up with me. Wha really cared what he thought about me at this point I needed to put my own needs first for once. And right now, I needed a carm shower, the time to gather my things, and access to the apartment that I had leased

Tiso cold I have to go in I finally said out loud, making my way towards the apartment building 

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Status: Ongoing
Wintergreen Mating Novel


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