Wintergreen Mating Novel 2

Wintergreen Mating Novel 2


The cool night air was refreshing, and by the time I reached After Dark, I was feeling a lot better about things. Every now and then. I remembered that Jackson had just broken up with me and my head started to spin a little, but at least I was able to shove those feelings aside for now

I glanced behind me before starting down the narrow cement stairs that led to the club. When I reached the small door around the comer, I knocked on it five times with the distinct rhythm we wolves used as a passcode. A moment later, the door opened, and a tall, slender man welcomed me inside

I glanced around the club. Everyone was still in their human form, which made a lot of sense for 7:00 on a Tuesday. Some wolves had complained about this rule a few months back, but ingling as a human had never bothered me. Maybe it was growing up in such a progressive pack that made me more comfortable with this, or perhaps it was spending four years in human college. Either way, I was glad I was more comfortable in my human form than most wolves. It really came in handy when living independently of a pack in such a big city

Closing the door behind me. I caught a glimpse of myself in the metal panels. My eyes were still red and puffy, and lines of mascara were streaked down my cheeks. Why hadn’t I thought of cleaning up before I headed out? Was that what five years in a relationship had done to me? Maybe I’d been letting myself go. That’s probably something I should work on

I put my head down, not wanting anyone at the bar to look at my face too closely, Jake, the bartender, nodded at me as I walked past. I returned his nod with a weird sideways one of my own and wondered if he noticed I was trying to avoid eye 


Luckily, there was nobody in the ladiesroom I pushed through the door and locked it behind myself

Fumbling through my purse, I did find a package of makeup wipes I had stashed in there weeks ago. I opened the pack, only to find there was one wipe left, and it was basically dried our Moistening it under the faucet, I started to wipe the mascara stains off my skin. My eyes were still red and puffy, but there wasn’t much I could do about that 

1 held a clean paper towel under some cold water, and then pressed it against my left eye for a few minutes. Then, I looked in the mirror. It didn’t look much better. I decided not to waste my time on the right eye

Fumbling through my purse again, I did find some eyeliner and an old mascara tube. I applied the eyeliner, hoping it would make my red eyes a bit less obvious. It did help a little, I remembered my mother’s warnings about getting eye infections. from old mascara, but I decided to apply it anyway

I moved closer to the mirror and looked at my skin. I had a few blemishes on my chin, and I really wished I had some foundation or concealer to cover them, but sadly, I didn’t have those items in my purse. I stepped back and looked at my whole self. I didn’t look my best, but this wasn’t too shabby. My white sweater wasn’t exactly sexy, but it was chilly outside, so that could be excused. At least the black tights I was wearing hugged my curves well

1 straightened my sweater, winked at myself in the mirror, and gave myself a brief pep talk

This is you, Marlie. You’re not a quitter. You’re a gogetter. Leave Jackson behind you, have some fun, and live your life, girl I’d read more than enough books to know that as a very recently single woman, focusing on finding myself and being independent was supposed to make me feel better. So far, it seemed to be working. A little alcohol, and I should be golden. I stepped out of the bar bathroom feeling refreshed and empowered. Now, I held my head high and cheerfully greeted the regulars seated at the bar. Hello, Marly. Long time, no see,” I quipped. Hi there, Matthew. I like the new hairstyle!Taking a seat on one of the tall stools, I set my wallet on the bar,etting the bartender know I was ready to order. Sure enough, he made his way down to me. Resting his tattooed arms on the bar and crouching down to my level, he greeted me. Marlie, right? Been a while since I’ve seen you here. Where’s your other half?he asked

I could tell the bartender meant well, but his question caught me off guard. He’s ummm..I stammered. Not so much my other half anymore?” 

18:17 Fri, Oct 25 


No sooner had the question Jeft my lips than I realized how unsure of myself I sounded. If I was going to pull off this single lady thing. I had to do better than that. I giggled. But no worries, it’s for the best,I added, hoping to sound more confident 

The bartender gave me a sideways glance, and I could tell he was not quite buying it. But he gave me a fist bump any and followed up by asking Well, what can I get for you then, single Marlie 

Whiskey sour.I replied. Lots of ice

It had been at least a year since I’d enjoyed a whiskey sour. It had been my goto drink when I was younger, but when Jackson and I were dating, we often deferred to blood tea and other werewolf beverages over alcohol. I’d never really minded, but if I was being completely honest, it was because he preferred them. I’d always been pretty fond of alcohol over blood tea 

I’ll get that right over to you,the bartender replied, turning around to reach the liquor shelf

I admired the way the bartender’s arm muscles rippled as he worked. Just last week, I wouldn’t have let my mind dwell on this too much, but as a newly single woman, I felt free to let my mind wander a bit. It’s not like Jackson wasn’t letting his mind wander. Or his dick wander. Wait, did I just think that

The bartender wasn’t really my type. He had a nice build, but he was a bit too artistic for my taste. Not that I minded art. I enjoyed it. I just always felt like I needed someone a little more serious to balance out my own personality

My thoughts were interrupted when the bartender returned, setting my drink down in front of me. Whiskey sour for the lady. Can I get you anything else!he asked

I felt my stomach rumble and realized I had not yet eaten dinner. Do you have any good appetizers on the menu tonight=Lasked 

“Chef whipped up some amazing squirrel tartare earlier, the bartender replied. The new guynot sure if you’ve been here since he’s been cooking. Really into the fusion cuisine. I mean it’s no pack cooking, but it’s a big step up from the stuff you’ll get at a human gastropub 

I nodded. Squirrel tartare sounded incredible. I was sure it came with a somewhat laughable price tag that I probably couldn’t afford on my librarian’s salary, but what the heck. Tonight I deserved to treat myself

I’ll give it a try,I replied

The bartender disappeared into the back, presumably to put in my order. I took a sip of my whiskey sour

There was a strange feeling in the back of my neck. I tried to shrug it off. Maybe I was just really hungry. I hadn’t really eaten lunch, after all Or maybe it was that old blood tea I’d sipped at the apartment. Then again, this sensation didn’t really feel bad. It just felt kind of prickly, I reached behind my head to make sure my hairs were not starting to emerge, but sure enough, my neck was completely smooth

My thoughts were interrupted by Mandy, the older female wolf sitting across the bar. Did I hear you’re a single woman now, Marle?she asked, louder than I was comfortable with

I instinctively put my finger to my lips as a sign that I wanted her to quiet down. She immediately looked horrified and slipped off her barstool, making her way towards me

Mandy awkwardly put her arm around me, and I tried my best not to inch away. As strange as it felt to be comforted by a wolf I’d only met two or three times, at most, it was nice to know someone cared

Luckily, Mandy only hugged me for a moment before backing away. She then slipped onto the stool next to me, and asked, in a quieter tone, So, are you okay? Love is so tough when you’re young” 

I nodded yes1 wasn’t actually sure how to answer Mandy’s question. Was I okay? I hadn’t really been single long enough to know. In some ways I was okay. In other ways, I was very much not. Don’t start thought spiraling now, Marlie; it’s just a simple question


Fri, Oct 25 


I’m doing as well as can be expected. It was just time for it to end.I said simply

Mandy looked at me knowingly. I took another sip of my whiskey sour. Interacting with strangers would be a lot easier with some alcohol in my system

I heard someone walk behind me, but before I had a chance to turn around and see who it was, that strange feeling in my neck flared up again. I reached up to itch it, wishing I had my claws out for the job

Mandy patted me on the back. Feeling the urge to transition? I get it when I’m emotional, too. Wish this bar would change its policy on that, but whatever, she commented in a whiny tone, gesturing towards the bartender

The bartender looked at Mandy crossly. Come on, Mandy. You know that’s not in my control. Let it go,he suggested. Mandy nodded. Didn’t mean to give you a hard time. Just you have to agree it’s annoying to be here, in a wolf club, and to have to be human all the time 

Don’t know what else to tell you. Come back on a Friday,the bartender replied shortly, throwing up his hands

Thankfully, just as the bartender was beginning to get frustrated the server emerged from the kitchen with my squirrel tartare in hand. I could smell it from across the bar, and by the time he set it down in front of me, my mouth was watering. I hoped that once I ate, that feeling in my neck might subside

Well, I’ll leave you to your meal,Mandy said as I took my first bite. Just know that if you need another female shoulder to cry on, I’m here. I’m your girl.” 

I thanked Mandy between bites, and she returned to the other side of the bar. The texture of the squirrel tartare was incredible, I’d eaten fusion dishes like this before, and I had to admit they were my favorite. Growing up in Fairwood, a pretty progressive pack, we’d eaten a lot of human meals. So, eating at human restaurants had never really bothered me like it seemed to bother some wolves here. Still, there was something primal about raw squirrel meat that just made me feel strong, energetic, and empowered. I needed as much of that as I could get right now

As I took another bite of my squirrel tartare, I felt the feeling in my neck intensify, I reached up again to try and rub it away, but as I did. I heard a warm, rich voice behind me

I haven’t really been following human football,the voice said. More into the traditional werewolf sports myself.” the voice said

I set my fork down. I didn’t normally take an interest in sports myself human or wolf. But for some reason, this voice was just drawing me in


Whoever the stranger was with replied, Yeah, I hear you. I like to branch out sometimes, though. Not sure how we wolves. would fare out on the gridiron, but the humans do make it look fun.” 

The stranger chuckled, and my neck absolutely prickled as he did. Now, the sensation was so much more intense. It felt like.. my first kiss. Or that warm, inviting sensation I’d get between my legs when being intimate- but 100 times more 


I reached for my whiskey sour, only to find my glass empty. I sucked through the straw anyway, listening to the gurgling noise it made



it hit me

No, I couldn’t be. Not now Could I really be feeling the draw of mate bonding now? Is that what the feeling in my neck was

I took a deep breath and let it out, willing the hairs on my back to retreat. I sensed the stranger walk away from me, towards the other side of the bar, and sure enough, the sensation in my neck started to dissipate once again

My mind rushing as if it were on fire. I tried to recall everything my mother had told me about mate bonding. She’d always been short on the words to describe it. Sometimes she’d said it would feel like a rush coming over me. One time, when

18:18 Fri, Oct 25 


little tipsy, she’d said it might feel like an extra intense orgasm. Hut mostly, she’d always just tell me that when I felt it.

would know

This was it. I knew. So many times with Jackson, I had tried to convince myself that the draw I felt towards him was a mate bond, but now I knew, once and for all, that it wasn’t

1 gulped down the rest of my squirrel tartare, and motioned to the bartender. He came over, cleared my plate, and asked if I wanted another whiskey sour. I quickly replied yes,” and gulpedit down when it came

Now, armed with a little more liquid courage, I finally turned around to see who this stranger might be. His eyes met mine immediately. They were warm and brown, with that sort of deepiness I had always imagined when fantasizing about this. moment. Nervous, I broke our eyelock quickly, looking down at his chest. But oh, that only made my heart beat faster. His chest was big and broad. His muscles rippled under the simple, black buttondown he was wearing, and I could see just a hint of a tattoo poking out above his elbow

The stranger caught my eye again, and this time, I willed myself not to look away. The sensation in my neck spread throughout my whole body. It was as if I was coming alive in a whole new way

The stranger took a step towards me and held out his hand. TrCain,he said simply, his voice rich and full

Marlie.” I squeaked out quietly, shaking his hand all too formally 


Wintergreen Mating Novel

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Status: Ongoing
Wintergreen Mating Novel


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