Wintergreen Mating Novel 7

Wintergreen Mating Novel 7


I walked out of the bathroom expecting Cain to be ready to head out the door. But instead, he was laying on the stillmade bed the one we didn’t sleep in and playing around with the television remote

Thought I’d give this bed a try, being that we paid for it,Cain remarked

1 giggled, suddenly remembering how the receptionist had insisted on putting us in this room with two double beds, rather than the king bed. We hadn’t even used the second bed, after all 

And how does it compare to the other bed?I asked

Eh, about the same. Not as comfortable without you, though,Cain replied, his cheeks turning red as he spoke

As cheesy of a pickup line as this was, I decided to give Cain the benefit of the doubt. I made my way over to the bed, and laid down beside him, leaving a few inches of space between us 

Cain turned his head sideways on the pillow and smiled at me. I cleared my throat, afraid that if I spoke again I’d accidentally let a whimper escape

So, I was thinking.” Cain began, propping his head up on his hand. Since I already had to pay for this room for another night, we might as well stay another night and take advantage.” 

This suggestion caught me offguard, and the expression on my face must have made this obvious because Cain quickly backpedaled 

I mean.. you probably have work to do and such. I shouldn’t keep you. Never mind,” he said apologetically, laying back down, flat on his back

No, no, I protested, turning back towards him. I’m actually off work for the next couple of weeks. You wouldn’t be keeping me. Besides. I’m not all that keen on going back to my own apartment right now.” 

Ahhh, that’s right. The boyfriend,Cain replied, apparently recalling our conversation from last night

Exboyfriend,I corrected him quickly

Yes, of course. So you’re worried he’s at your apartment?He asked

Well, it was really our apartment. In fact, if anything, he’s there more than I am. I travel for work, so I come and go a lot. And he works from home a lot, so basically, he’s always there,I explained

So that’s why you came back with me last night? To avoid going home to him?Cain asked, his voice both joking and inquisitive 

No, no. Well, maybe that was a tiny, tiny part of it. I would have gone to a friend’s house, but then I met you, and, well T just felt drawn to you,I explained. I was hoping that in opening up this way, I might get Cain to acknowledge the mate bond 

Cain did acknowledge our connection, but he didn’t mention the mate bond Well, I’m glad you did. This was been a really fun night and morning, Marlie. Even thosewhat do you call then? Those horrendous, spicy, earthtasting biscuits

Cinnamon rolls,” I replied

Cain chuckled. Ah, yes. Cinnamon rolls. So, what do you say, lile wolf, want to stay another night and do this agai Lumorrow? You can even feed me some of those round brown longs next time around” 

Donuts?I replied. They’re pretty bland but actually, you might like them better than cinnamon rolik.” 

18:19 Fri, Oct 25


Is that a yes then?Cain asked


I briefly reflected on how strange it was to just stay in a hotel with a stranger for one night, let alone, two. But then I reminded myself how long it had been since I’d done anything spontaneous like this. I’d never actually had a one night stand like so many of my friends in college. I’d envied them. As bumans, it was so much easier for them to connect with others. As a werewolf. I’d never been comfortable going home with a man, as I was always afraid I’d lose control and transform during sex. Now I was here with an incredibly sexy werewolf who saw and understood me. Even if the mate bond thing didn’t seem to be working out, what did I have to lose

Cain must have sensed my hesitation, because he once again backpedaled to give me a way out. If you don’t want to, I totally understand. This must be a little strange for you,” he offered

I shook my head. Nah, what the heck. It’s crazy, but why not? We’ve been having a great time, the room is paid for, and it’s not like I have anything to be home for. Let’s do it. I agreed, firmly

Cain jumped off the bed and cheered. Right on. I was hoping you’d say yes. Damn, this feels like such a grand adventure. Want to go explore the hotel a little?he asked

1 hopped off the bed myself. In a way, I was glad for the distraction from my heat symptoms. Sure!I replied. I bet there are some really cool, old rooms in here

Cain and I made our way to the staircase. This time, we didn’t even attempt to get the old elevator to work. Once we were through the big stairway door, Cain gestured to the stairs. Want to see what’s up there?he asked

I nodded. Sure! I think they said there are eight floors,I replied 

I started up the stairs, but before I could get too far, Cain reached out and grabbed my hand. I paused and turned around

Stepping up a stair so that his face was even with mine, he took die in his arms and kissed me. My body once again felt on fire with electricity. I savored the moment, allowing his lips to rest on mine. I slowly opened my eyes to see him gazing into 


And just like that, he let the romantic mood pass. You’re a great adventure buddy, Marlic,he quipped, continuing up the 


I took a deep breath and followed him. We got to the eighth floor, but the stairs continued

One more flight?Cain asked

I nodded and followed him up. At the very top of the stairway, there was a heavy, metal door. I started to turn around, assuming the door would be locked. But Cain pushed on it, and sure enough, it swung open, revealing a rooftop courtyard

Cain walked confidently out onto the roof, and I followed behind, a bit apprehensively. Cain turned around. It’s fine. There’s nobody up here,” he insisted

I stepped further out onto the rooftop and was surprised to see there was no barrier. It was just a flat roof with a few benches and tables. A couple of potted plants sat in the corner, but they had died months ago. Their bodies, once green, were withered and crunchy. 

Cain walked straight up to the edge of the roof. I was shocked by his confidence. I had never really been scared of heights, but standing right at the edge of a rooftop was outside of my comfort zone

Be careful,I called to him

He simply turned around gave me the thumbs up sign, and sat down dangling his feet over the edge


it’s living if you don’t risk it a little? Come on over!he called back to me

“I don’t think soI replied, hesitantly 


Fri, Oct 25 


I promise I won’t let you fall,” he insisted

현식 79

I shrugged and shoved down my fear, walking towards the edge of the roof. When I reached Cain, he held out his hand. I took it and, ever so gently, lowered myself down into a seating position

My fear all but disappeared once I sat down and saw the incredible view of the city. Oh my God! That’s the Courthouse! It’s so strange seeing it from up here!I exclaimed

See? Aren’t you glad you came over?Cain joked

Yeah, I guess so. I am always reminding myself to be more spontaneous, but sometimes I need a little encouragement,” I explained

Did your ex do that for you? Give you encouragement? Cain asked

Without even thinking. I broke out in laughter. The idea of Jackson doing anything spontaneous or risky was just so far- Tetched 


Not at all!I finally choked out. Jackson iswellperhaps the least adventurous person you can imagine. His idea of adventure was buying a new brand of blood tea.” 

Cain chuckled. Well, to each their own. I guess

Yeah.” I agreed simply, looking off into the distance

So, what was a spitfire like you doing with someone so bland: Cain asked 

The abruptness of his question caught me offguard at first. Actually, I was surprised how long it took me to formulate an 


I sighed, replying slowly as I thought. Well, we did get together a long time ago. And it was good at first. We were two of the only wolves at Ithaca College, so he was one of the first people I really felt able to open up to. I guess he felt the same.” 

Cain nodded. It must have been strange to be so isolated from other wolves in college.” 

In a way, it was. But on the other hand, I was really raised to blend in with humans. It felt like what I’d been preparing for all along. And actually, at that stage in life, I often wished I was a human,I explained

Cain wrinkled up his nose. Really?he asked, apparently shocked by my explanation. Why would you want to be one of 


They eat bacon all the time!I replied jokingly

No, but really. I always thought their lives seemed simpler. They didn’t have to hide their identity. They didn’t have to worry about transforming at awkward times. They’re just human. All the time.” 

Cain nodded. I guess I can see that. I mean, I was raised quite differently from you, I think. Having to hide my identity, well, that’s only something I have to do when I come into the city, like this. It’s kind of exciting in short spurts, but I can see how it might wear on you over time

I mean, day to day it doesn’t really bother me. I’m pretty used to it. Sometimes I just feel like it makes me less intouch withı my wolf side,” 1 explained 

Cain turned towards me, propping one leg up on the roof. You ever think about going back to pack life?he asked

Hmm. Maybe when I’m older,I replied, moving back onto the roof myself. For now, my job really relies on my traveling a lot, so it would be tough to honor my duties in a pack. But I could see myself moving back into a pack if I had pups. It’s easier to raise pups around a community, I suppose.” 

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Cain nodded, looking down at his feet. Yep, yep. Probably 


I wondered if the mention of pups had made him feel uncomfortable. I decided to change the subject. So, what do you think is around that corner?I asked, pointing to a place where the roof formed a right angle around the edge of the building

Let’s find out,” Cain replied, jumping to his feet

Cain took my hand and led the way. As we got closer to the corner, I could see there was an old bar and some tables at the end of the roof

Damn. They must have partied up here back in the day. Hope there was some railings or a barrier back then,Cain quipped

I laughed. Yeah, you’d fall right off the edge after one too many glasses of wine.” 

Wouldn’t be the silliest thing I’ve ever done after drinking.Cain joked

And what would be the silliest thing?I asked, sitting down on the roof once again

Cain sat down beside me, a few feet from the fountain

Hmm. I’d have to think,” he said, looking off into the distance. Seconds later, he held up a finger and continued. There was this one time, me and the guys snuck into the community hall after hours and drank a bunch of vodka leftover from a party. We transformed and walked through one of the nearby human towns at night and kept looking in people’s windows. The looks on their faces! Ah, manwhat I’d give to go back to those days.” 

I laughed at the idea of Cain pestering humans late at night. He was such a large, manly wolf. The sight of him must have really terrified them

Sounds like you could use more spontaneity in your life, too,remarked

Cain let out a long sigh. Absolutely. If only you knew.” 


Wintergreen Mating Novel

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Status: Ongoing
Wintergreen Mating Novel


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