Wintergreen Mating Novel 8

Wintergreen Mating Novel 8


It was so relaxing just sitting on the roof with Marlie, looking down over the city of Burlington. I was enjoying getting to know her a little better. She was so wellspoken and intelligent not like so many of the female wolves back home who were more concerned with the style of their hair than deep conversation

I even told Marlie about the time me and the guys walked through town scaring humans by looking in their windows. I don’t think I’d ever told anyone about that before. I was glad she laughed at the story, rather than scolding me or scoffing at my 


Several times while we were on the roof, I could feel the sexual tension building between us. But I didn’t want Marlie to think I was shallow or only interested in her looks, so I resisted making any big moves

Looking down over the city, I finally asked Marlie to show me around

Sure!she responded, gleefully. It has been a while since I’ve been able to play tour guide. My family visited a few times and let me show them around, but that was years back.” 

Marlie leapt up from the roof, and I admired her agility. She started towards the stairs and I began to follow her, but then I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I glanced at the screen. Ugh. It was my father again

I ignored the call and started down the stairs behind Marlie, but my phone started buzzing again

I should probably pick this up, I called to Marlie

The little wolf stopped on the landing and turned around to look at me. No worries,she called. I have nowhere else to be.” 

Hi dad,I greeted him as I picked up the phone

Cain, you were supposed to call me back as soon as you got an answer on the paperwork,my father complained gruffly

Sorry, dad. I got a little busy with something here. I’ll call them back as soon as we hang up and get you a clear answer.” 

I saw Marlie turn around and look at me as I spoke into the phone. I rolled my eyes towards her, hoping she would understand, from my facial language, that I was annoyed by the interruption of the call

What could you possibly be distracted by all the way in Burlington?my father boomed. This was your idea! Have you even applied for the permit yet?” 

I could feel my pulse start to pick up as my father chided me. Why couldn’t he trust me to take care of this small task? Maybe applying for an environmental permit was a big deal back in his day, but now all it really required was filling out some paperwork which I had already done, by the way

I tried not to act as annoyed as I was because I didn’t want Marlie to overhear, but my voice gave me away anyways. Dad, come on. This isn’t even a big deal. I’m 28 years old, for God’s sake. Just trust me to take care of this 

My father huffed into the phone and mumbled something under his breath. I could picture him sitting beside some of his buddies, probably ready to complain to them about his slackoff son as soon as he hung up

Fine, Cain. Just keep me in the loop is all I ask. The moment you hear back that the permit has been approved, I expect a phone call” 

I shook my head, once again looking at Marlie apologetically. I watched her walk down a few more stairs, presumably to give 

me more spNCE

I do that, Dad. You just have to give me more time,” I agreed 

Alright. Bye for now, my Dad responded grutily, hanging up before I had a chance to reply


18:19 Fri, Oct 25 


  1. 78

Sorry about that,I called to Marlie, hustling down the stairs to catch up with her. My dad has had trouble accepting the fact that I’m grown up, apparently. Can’t leave me to my own business.” 

No worries,Marlie replied cheerfully, continuing down the stairs

I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest as we walked back into the hotel room. I was getting better at standing up to my father, but it still took all of my nerve to do it

Marlie slipped into the bathroom, presumably to tidy up, and 1 glanced at myself in the hotel room mirror. I certainly looked like I’d had a fun night out. My hair was ruled and messy, and my beard had grown out just a little too long for comfort. I tried to smooth my hair down with my hands before straightening my clothes. That would have to do for now

Marlie’s POV 

I was trying not to eavesdrop on Cain’s conversation with his dad, but I couldn’t really help but overhear part of it since we were standing in the same stairway. Cain’s demeanor changed so quickly once his father called. It was clear Cain was annoyed by whatever his father was questioning him about. I heard him mention something about an environmental permit. Was Cain some sort of environmental lawyer? That didn’t quite seem to suit his personality. He seemed a bit too burly and masculine for that, but who was I to judge

Cain finally hung up the phone, and we headed back to the hotel room to grab our things. I could tell he was still onedge from the phone call, so I didn’t want to ask him too much about it. Stepping into the bathroom, I once again cringed at my appearance. I quickly applied some eyeliner and mascara, hoping that drawing attention to my eyes would make up for the bedraggled state of my outfit 

Ready if you are,” I asserted as I stepped out of the bathroom

Cain leapt off the bed and opened the door for me. After you,” he said, gesturing at the doorway. I could tell he was trying his best to be cheerful in spite of whatever had just taken place on the phone

We started down the sidewalk of Burlington. The hotel was a bit further north than I usually ventured, and I was trying to think of the best places to take Cain on our walking tour. 

Before long, we passed a distillery. This here is the Wild Wing Distillery,I explained, gesturing towards the old brick building. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of the owners is a wolf, and his partners don’t know he brews blood tea in the basement. Sells most of it straight to After Dark, I’ve heard.” 

Cain chuckled. That’s incredible. The other owners have no idea?he asked

Not that I’m aware. I’ve met the guy a few times, briefly. He’s very professional and great at blending in. If it weren’t for his odor. I’d assume he was a human himself,I explained

A few cars whizzed past us, and I could tell Cain was a little wary of their speed. I wondered just how remote his pack was. In some ways, he seemed very able to blend in. He’d had no trouble checking into the hotel and interacting with humans in general, but the overall busyness of the city seemed to either make him anxious or enchanted I couldn’t quite tell

“A little busier than you’re used to?I finally asked

Cain nodded. Yeah, it’s been a long time since I was last in the city. My colony is near a few small towns, but the pace there is so much slower. And honestly, I think half the humans halfsuspect we’re wolves, which sort of takes the pressure oll 

This was the first time I had ever heard a wolf suggest some hunjans might know of their nature without also suggesting those people needed to be killed or silenced. That intrigued me 

WaitI protested. You think they know about you?” 

Well, Cain started to backpedal a little. I don’t think they know but I’m sure they suspect something is up. Every once in a while, we catch one wandering through the woods on the outskirts of our colony. I’ve been my wolf before when I’ve seen them. A buddy of mine was sure one of the humans saw him transform” 

18-19 Fri, Oct 25 


Andyou’re not scared they’ll hunt you or turn you in?I asked nervous for Cain


Nah.Cain explained. As a pack, we’re a lot stronger than them. And besides, they tend to be more scared of us, if anything. I actually think being a little suspicious might keep them away.” 

I felt my brow furrow, Cain must have sensed this was a new idea for me, so he stopped walking and turned towards me to explain more

Here,he began, gesturing around us to the city, you’re in the minority. Sure, if someone finds out you’re a wolf here, you’re in danger. But back home, at my pack, we’re the majority. Those lands are our territory. If those humans overstep their bounds, they’re the ones who are in danger

I nodded. This made a lot of sense. I hadn’t lived in a pack in almost a decade, and I had sort of forgotten about the security it brought. I was so used to feeling onedge and a little in dangerjas an independent wolf in a big city. I tried to imagine what it would be like to let go of that fear. Maybe pack life would be good for me again one day

Cain and I continued down the street, and before long, I could see the Church Street Marketplace in the distance

Oh! We’re coming up on the market!I exclaimed. That’s a great place to visitboth for human treats and some wolf lore.” 

Cain’s ears perked up. I love a good market. Maybe I can pick up some souvenirs for the boys back home.” 

We approached the first market stall, and Cain pointed at some eggplants stacked on a table. What are those?he asked quietly. I’ve seen them all over, but I’ve never known what they are 

I giggled. Just eggplants, silly.” 

Cain nodded, and I watched him walk ahead of me, apparently drawn in by a stand selling sausages and other cured meats. Then, realizing he’d left me behind, he turned around

Marlie, look. They have meats. Do you think they have some of that bacon we had this morning?he asked

I was thrilled to watch Cain enjoy himself so much. Little things like bacon, which I now took for granted in the city, were still so novel to him

Probably,I replied, catching up to him. We don’t have a way to cook it, though.” 

Cain shrugged. I can take it home.” 

The idea of Cain returning home so soon made a little pain shoot through my heart. We were having so much fun that I’d almost forgotten we’d only met less than 24 hours ago

Cain and I approached the sausage vendor, and I helped him select a package of bacon to take home. He awkwardly asked the vendor if it tasted wild.I apologized for him, and the vendor laughed it off

A little further into the market, I pointed to a stand that was selling essential oils and herbs. This is where I buy my wintergreenI explained. Pretty sure all the wolves in Burlington buy from him, and he has no idea how he goes through so much of it. Humans just use it for aromatherapy and gum.” 

Cain looked at me, and then at the herb stand. You smoke?he asked

On the weekends,I explained. I got into it in college when all my human peers were smoking weed. Eventually I thought 1 should try the werewolf equivalent

Cain nodded, Yeah, I did it a few times with the boys back in the day. I feel like I’m too old for it now. But hey, when in Rome, right? Want to get some?” 

Before I had a chance to say yes or no, Cain was approaching the stand



18:19 Fri, Oct 25 


Do you have any wintergreen?he asked the vendor, who was a kind older fellow with a white beard

Only a few sprigs left,” the vendor replied. Funny, I’ve sold more wintergreen here today. What is everyone using it for? Soap

Cain just laughed and looked at me awkwardly

Aromatherapy,I told the vendor, gently pushing Cain back from the table. I didn’t want to risk having him say anything suspicious as this was one of the few wintergreen vendors in the city. The other wolves would be really upset if he stopped selling for any reason

The old man nodded. Yeah, it does smell nice. I’ll have to start getting more from the farmer. I had no idea it would be such a hit when I started selling here.” 

The vendor packaged up two small sprigs of wintergreen in a paper bag and handed it to Cain. Five dollars,he said

Cain opened his wallet and pulled out a crisp $5 bill. Thank you, sir,he said

Cain and I continued through the market, and before long, we reached Main Street. I pointed out a large, stone building that towered over the street. I know a couple of wolves live in that apartment building.” I said. I almost moved in there when I came to Burlington, but I was nervous being so close to the downtown area.” 

You live more on the outskirts then?Cain asked

Not far from After Dark, where we were last night,I explained. The mere mention of my apartment made my stomach do a flipflop. I wondered whether Jackson was back there yet. Who would move out now that we’d broken up? I was the one that found the apartment in the first place, but we were both on the lease

I tried to shove thoughts of Jackson out of my mind for just a little longer as Cain and I continued on our tour. Somehow, we ended up walking down a small sidestreet, where we passed a hot dog cart. Cain wanted to try a hot dog, and so we did. Much to my surprise, he seemed to enjoy the flavor. This had been one human food I’d never been able to adapt to. Something about the bun and the soft texture of the meat never sat well with me

Hey, this looks familiar,” Cain suddenly said, stopping in his tracks. Are we near the courthouse?” 

I nodded. Yes, it’s just over there,I said, pointing

Ah, cool. I was just here yesterday, applying for the permit, Cain explained

I wanted to ask Cain more about this permit, but he was in such a good mood now, and I didn’t want to ruin it by bringing up whatever controversy lie was having with his father

Yeah, I know this area pretty well,I said instead. There’s a library down that street that has a pretty good collection of werewolf literature, Always fun to read what the humans think they’ve figured out about us over the years.” 

Cain’s eyes grew wide. What do they know?he asked 

Actually quite a lot,” I explained. But luckily, most of them have now dismissed us as folklore or legend, so they don’t take it 100 seriously.” 

Cain breathed a sigh of relief


stomach rumble and realized it had been hours since brakfast. Cain had eaten a hot dog, but I was starving

What do you say we head back to After Dark for an early dinner!I asked

Cain nodded Fine by ine. Maybe we can smoke some of that wintergreen first

Sure! We’ll just have to stop by a gas station for some rolling papers on the way,” Lagreed 

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Wintergreen Mating Novel

Status: Ongoing
Wintergreen Mating Novel


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