38: Screw Me
Did I want to kiss her?
Damn right, I did.
Did I want to taste her skin again, bury myself inside her, and tattoo my name in the deepest parts of Tara’s mind?
Fuck yes.
Yes, a fucking million times.
But when her eyes fluttered open and she caught a grip on herself, taking a step back to put some distance between me and her, I knew that it wasn’t what she wanted. Not right now at least.
I could work with that.
It had been hours since the incident at the suite with Tara, and right after she wished me luck on the challenge, I took her home.
We were back in the same, place again though, because I could trace her ambrosia scent among the livid crowd.
I was currently standing at the center of it all, with my shorts hanging low on my hips, and my chest bare.
Much to my dismay, Jace wasn’t able to find any tangible
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information on what Collin had under his sleeves for the fight, but I didn’t bother about that too much.
I knew he wasn’t coming fair, and I was prepared.
Jace was on standby if things went south.
The prick, Collin, was just a few feet away from me, grinning like
he had won a medal. Counting his freaking eggs before they hatched. Jokes were on him.
“You know, Aidan,” Collin began. “After you accepted my challenge this morning, I did something. Do you want to hear about it?”
I crossed both of my arms over my chest as I listened to him. speak.
“I thought,” he said. “Long and hard. I thought about the things I would do after I take control of your pack.”
What did I say about Collin counting his eggs before they hatched?
“Yeah?” I asked, entertaining his stupidity. “What else did you think about?”
“I thought about more fun ways to make you disappear, or at least ways to extend your suffering so that you would get the ugly fate that you deserve. But you know what made me the most happy?” He asked.
I suspected what Collin was about to say, and if his plan was to piss me off before this fight, then he was getting there.
-Warning him with a disapproving growl, I put one foot in front of
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the other, starting to go in circles.
He moved too.
“I realized that the best way to rub it in would be to take that thing that made you refuse to leave in the first place. Sweet pretty Tara,” he said, smacking his lips suggestively.
Oh. I was so going to enjoy this.
“You always talked way too much for an alpha, Collin, so it gives me great pleasure to rip that title off your hands. Shut up and fight me like a man, coward,” I barked, unsheathing my claws from my fingers and getting into position.
There were no weapons allowed for these kinds of challenges except for our beasts, but it did not surprise me when I noticed a small blade in Collin’s left hand.
“Is that all you brought with you?” I taunted him.
One would have expected the crowd behind us to start going in an uproar at this point, but reverse was the case.
Disapproving comments came from every corner, and I smiled at the fact that anyone who would have been blind to what kind of a person Collin is, could see him now.
“Come on, coward,” I spat.
Collin leaped on his feet, taking a swipe at me, but too bad for him, I saw his move from a mile away. I easily sidestepped his strike, and I shoved him in the ribs.
The crowd faded into the background, and it was just me and Collin in this now.
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“Too slow. Try again.”
And he did. I dodged him this time, but delivered a sidekick to his ribs, letting a crack sound split the air.
He regained his stand, and the next few seconds were spent with Collin sending over exaggerated strikes my way and me easily dodging them.
He was beginning to get frustrated, which was right where I wanted him.
He let out an annoyed roar, and in less than a second, he was charging toward me with his claws and fangs bared.
I managed to dodge, but he got a swipe into my midsection, taking some of my skin off with his claws.
I muffled the pain with a groan, and I charged at him this time.
It was fangs, claws, roars, punches, and kicks coming in from all directions, and by the time I shoved Collin back, blood was dripping from different parts of his body.
He had nicked me with his blade. Just a little bit.
“Got you, motherfucker,” Collin sneered.
“What was that?” I asked.
“You’ll be out in minutes,” he replied, letting out a cackle.
I also wasn’t surprised to learn that Collin’s blade was soaked in something dangerous. Poison? Wolfsbane? I didn’t know which one it was.
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But I was prepared for that too.
I made sure that I sprayed both a master antidote for poison and an activated charcoal spray for wolfsbane if Collin came with any of those.
Those were a werewolf’s most common weakness.
I did that a few minutes before I took my stand here so that they would be most effective.
I was freaking prepared.
Or so I thought.
Until he spoke.
“And I know you think you’ll escape this, but now should be a good time to tell you that I had your little antidotes switched before you came here. You’ll be dead as meat before you can take me out.”
As if on cue, I lost my balance on my foot for a second as the lights blurred into a rainbow of colors in my eyes.
I needed to think.
Collin was no longer on his guard because he thought he had taken me out with his strike, so I took advantage of that.
Without warning, I speared into him, unbalancing him, and sending him to the ground on his back.
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His grip on the blade weakened, and I jerked it away from his hand.
Straddling him, I fueled all the strength I had left into my right hand, and I descended on him, plummeting his face into the ground.
Switching our positions, I locked my legs over Collin’s midsection, so that I was on my back now, and my hands snaked around his neck in a choking grip.
I was quick enough that he didn’t notice me swipe the poison- soaked blade off the ground and press it to his chest.
“I’m sure you forgot to use the antidote on yourself since you thought you had me screwed over.”
He was struggling to free himself, but I had him fucked both
Nothing would have satisfied me more than to end the fuckers life right there, especially since whatever Collin put in his blade. was currently seeping through my veins, but I did something that he wasn’t expecting instead.
“Yield!” I barked.
Defiance shone in his eyes, but Collin knew that he was left with the option to either be choked to death or be stabbed by the blade that he prepared for me.
“Last chance,” I yelled, tightening my grip on his neck and snuffing the life out of him.
His hands began to give way, getting softer and softer with
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each passing second.
I was about to admire his adamance and choice to go out with pride until he weakly tapped on my bicep.
Then I heaved a sigh of relief as I let go of his neck, knowing that Tara and Nadia would be a little bit safer, now that he had no more power over them.
On cue, my eyelids became too heavy to keep open, and they began to flutter close. Whatever Collin nicked me with was working fast.
Screw. Me.